Publish To StockTwits

Publishes your wordpress blog posts automatically to StockTwits, using the StockTwits public API. Add a custom messages with each post, automatically finds cashtags with in your post.

StockTwits Widget

The StockTwits plugin shows the most recent posts from website as a widget. Choose to show your stock messages, just the Ticker stream, or the All stream. Show the messages in a post, in a theme, or as a widget. It's pretty simple to run, just drop it in the plugin directo.........

Similar: 43%

StockTwits Ticker Link

This plugin changes your standard ticker symbols like $AAPL or $GOOG and will automatically link the ticker to realtime discussions at It's pretty simple to run, just drop it in the plugin directory and activate that's all it takes....

Similar: 34%


Integrates your latest tweets in your weblog. Features * Simple (no configuration required) * Customizable * Fast Usage Either add the provided widget to the sidebar or use the following code: <?php twitter_messages("username"); ?> ...

Similar: 34%


Turn what people post on social networks into compelling stories. With Storify, you collect the best photos, video, Tweets and more from around the web and publish them as simple, beautiful stories embedded into your WordPress posts and pages. It's the best way to chronicle an event through what peo.........

Similar: 12%

PopTuneTrafic: WordPress Social PopUp

PopTuneTrafic WordPress Plugin PopTuneTrafic est un plugin popup pour WordPress et c'est probablement le meilleur moyen au monde pour vous de créer un popup suralimenté et imblocable sur WordPress pour faire croître le trafic de votre site web et votre nombre de backlinks rapide.........

Similar: 8%

AI Twitter Feeds (Twitter widget & shortcode)

Features: As traditional version of twitter API is no longer working now, this plugin provides facility to display twitter tweets on your website using Twitter 1.1 API with authentication. PLEASE DO NOT USE OLDER VERSIONS. All older version do not meet requirements at below link policy hence remove.........

Similar: 7%

OS Materializecss PopUp

OS Materializecss PopUp is the colorful, responsive, customizable popup plugin for WordPress using materialize css....

Similar: 7%

CM Answers

CM Answers is a plugin for WordPress that enables users to post questions and answers (Q&A) in a Stackoverflow style. Plugin also includes social media registration using Facebook, LinkedIn or Google+, Twitter & Microsoft Live authentication. The CM Answers discussion forum plugin has many o.........

Similar: 3%

WP Mingle

The simplest way to turn your WordPress website into a Social Network comparable to Facebook or LinkedIn. Mingle makes it easy to create a social network for your family, church, business or even a premium membership site! Mingle uses your standard WordPress website and standard WordPress theme to c.........

Similar: 3%

Users Ultra Membership Plugin

Users Ultra is the ideal tool for creating advanced user communities in few minute. Building a talents community, model agency websites, social communities and any kind of user websites is really fast. It can be intregrated in any WordPress Theme. You can add as many fields as you wish by using the .........

Similar: 2%