StockTwits Widget

The StockTwits plugin shows the most recent posts from website as a widget. Choose to show your stock messages, just the Ticker stream, or the All stream. Show the messages in a post, in a theme, or as a widget.

It's pretty simple to run, just drop it in the plugin directory and activate. Then got to the Settings and configure the default plugin settings.

Then add it as a widget, theme code, or simple code method to your blog.

StockTwits Ticker Link

This plugin changes your standard ticker symbols like $AAPL or $GOOG and will automatically link the ticker to realtime discussions at It's pretty simple to run, just drop it in the plugin directory and activate that's all it takes....

Similar: 84%

Publish To StockTwits

Publishes your wordpress blog posts automatically to StockTwits, using the StockTwits public API. Add a custom messages with each post, automatically finds cashtags with in your post....

Similar: 50% Stock Ticker Linker

This plugin automatically searches for ticker symbols in articles and link tickers to company research pages at Watchdog Company Pages (beta) provide users with high tech research tools including fully customizable charts, comprehensive fundamental data, trends across the web and.........

Similar: 50% Stock Ticker Link

This plugin automatically looks for ticker symbols like (AAPL) or (GOOG) and link the tickers to research pages at To set it up, just add the plugin to your wordpress installation and activate it. Here's the link to our plugin homepage so that you can see how this works....

Similar: 38%

WP Badge

WP Badge ( is a wordpress plugin that adds a personalized badge on your blog (Follow me style). With this plugin you can configure the link, the text,the color and the position of the button. =With WP Badge.........

Similar: 29%

Social Display by Web Unity Design

Social Display is a simple plugin which creates a widget on the WordPress dashboard for your dynamic sidebars. This widget will display social media logos or text for Facebook, Twitter LinkedIn and many more! Social Media links can be easily added and updated from the Social Display Options page und.........

Similar: 19%


Turn what people post on social networks into compelling stories. With Storify, you collect the best photos, video, Tweets and more from around the web and publish them as simple, beautiful stories embedded into your WordPress posts and pages. It's the best way to chronicle an event through what peo.........

Similar: 17%

Free Tools to grow your Email List, Social Sharing and Analytics

SumoMe provides free tools you need to grow your WordPress site. This plugin will make it easy for your readers to join your email list, share your articles and optimize with analytics. The free tools include: List Builder will let you create a fancy lightbox pop up to build email subscriptions .........

Similar: 4% Instant Highlighter: Save and Share `parts` of web-pages

Makes Your Web-Site/Blog VERY VIRAL! Add a highlighter pen to your blog: anyone can then make 'highlights on any part of your page' and easily post them to any Social Networking & Bookmarking site (Facebook, Twitter, LinkdIn, Digg, etc.) Each post auto includes a tiny URL linking other readers .........

Similar: 4%

Social Media Tab

What is Social Media Tab? The Social Media Tab plugin display on your blog boxes that has links to your profiles on social sites My website:

Similar: 4%