Pure Web Brilliant's Social Graph Control

Plugin extensions:

  • Twitter Cards: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/kevinjohn-gallagher-pure-web-brilliants-social-graph-twitter-cards-extention/

  • Facebook Apps: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/kevinjohn-gallagher-pure-web-brilliants-social-graph-facebook-extension/

Pure Web Brilliant's Social Graph Twitter Cards Extention

Adds the following tags to your website's header where appropriate twitter:card twitter:title twitter:description twitter:url twitter:site twitter:site:id twitter:creator twitter:creator:id twitter:image ...

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Pure Web Brilliant's Social Graph Facebook Extension

Adds the following tags to your header for better connection to facebook... fb:admins fb:app_id fb:page_id This is an extension for the Pure Web Brilliant: Social Graph control plugin ( http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/kevinjohn-gallagher-pure-web-brilliants-social-graph-control/ )...

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Pure Web Brilliant's Social Graph: Open Graph extras Extention

Adds the following tags to your header for better connection to facebook... og:email og:phone_number og:fax_number og:latitude og:longitude og:street-address og:locality og:region og:country-name og:postal-code The following tags were proposed and validated by Facebook in 2010: https://developer.........

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Social Meta by Brozzme

Bored about your description and images when you share your post and pages ? Social Meta by Brozzme automaticaly add OpenGraph, Google+, Twitter metas to your header file without coding. Meta tags in the header allow a clean share of your website pages, with good related images and description. Opt.........

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Facebook Open Graph, Google+ and Twitter Card Tags

This plugin inserts Facebook Open Graph Tags into your WordPress Blog/Website for more effective and efficient Facebook sharing results. It also allows you to add the Meta Description tag and Schema.org Name, Description and Image tags for more effective and efficient Google+ sharing results. It a.........

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WP Social SEO Booster - Knowledge Graph Social Signals SEO

WP Social SEO Booster adds Facebook Open Graph, Twitter Card and Google Rich Snippets (Microdata / schema.org) to your site to boost your sites search engine visibility. It is the only plugin which does include ALL the different types of microdata which are supported by Google. Features of this plu.........

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EN: Just install flodjiShare to enable Social Sharing and SEO-Features on your WordPress site. This Plugin is also compatible to Multi-Author Blogs. Let Visitors share your Posts, Pages and Custom Post Types on these social networks to increase traffic: Facebook Twitter Digg Delicious Google Plus.........

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webZunder Open Graph Plugin

By using the webZunder Open Graph Plugin, you can easily improve the presentation of your content in social networks like Google and Facebook and in search engine results. With the Plugin you can easily: define a fallback description for pages and posts without a description define a fallback ima.........

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WordPress Social Sharing Optimization - Improves Editing / Publishing / Shared Content

Make sure social websites present your content in the best possible way, no matter how your webpage is shared — from sharing buttons on the webpage, browser add-ons / extensions, or URLs pasted directly on timelines and private messages (PM) — the WordPress Social Sharing Optimization (W.........

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Social Warfare

Social Warfare helps you get your content shared the way you want it to be shared. Get more shares and drive more traffic now with the best sharing plugin for WordPress!...

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