Pure Web Brilliant's Social Graph: Open Graph extras Extention

Adds the following tags to your header for better connection to facebook...

  • og:email
  • og:phone_number
  • og:fax_number
  • og:latitude
  • og:longitude
  • og:street-address
  • og:locality
  • og:region
  • og:country-name
  • og:postal-code

The following tags were proposed and validated by Facebook in 2010: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraphprotocol/

Sadly there is NO information as to why or when they were removed from http://opengraphprotocol.org , and http://www.ogp.me/ is returning a server error ( "Heroku | No such app" ).

Paul Tarjan, Software Engineer @ Facebook for the Open Graph protocol is on record as having said:

"Those properties are deprecated. If major players in the locality space need markup, ogp will create a location (or place or some name like that) namespace and move the properties into there"

This is an extension for the Pure Web Brilliant: Social Graph control plugin ( http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/kevinjohn-gallagher-pure-web-brilliants-social-graph-control/ )

Pure Web Brilliant's Social Graph Facebook Extension

Adds the following tags to your header for better connection to facebook... fb:admins fb:app_id fb:page_id This is an extension for the Pure Web Brilliant: Social Graph control plugin ( http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/kevinjohn-gallagher-pure-web-brilliants-social-graph-control/ )...

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