Real IP 4 Comments

By : kutsy

Correct comment's IP address with "HTTP_X_REAL_IP" and/or "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR" HTTP header and/or Opera Trusted Proxy.

Real IP

Correct comment's ip address with X-Forwarded-For http header if you are behind a proxy or load balancer. There is no setting. It should start working once you activate it. Change log: 3/21/2009 1.3: Fixed a bug causing fatal error. 3/13/2009 1.2: PHP 4.0 support. 1.1: Data validation and rej.........

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Weasel's No HTTP Authors

We've been running the anti-spam Akismet plugin for WordPress, but still we get spam comments of a particular breed. This breed is one where the username is a URL, and the message body is an inoffensive message. Something like, "Great news, thanks!", which looks innocent enough at first! Until you g.........

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Tor is an invaluable tool for protecting free-speech, privacy, and preventing surveillance but when abused it can protect the identity of malicious users and make tracking their activites more difficult. "Hackers" might use Tor to run security scans on your website or spam websites with comments an.........

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Zarza Real IP

Thank you for your interest in Zarza Real IP. This useful and free plugin corrects automatically the user's IP address and allows WordPress to use the Real IP address if you're behind a proxy or load balancer like nginx, varnish and so on. It will start working as soon as you activate it. It is also.........

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This plugin allows you to banned certain username from making comment, particularly when you don't want to ban ip addresses, but want to stop certain "notorious" misbehaving users. If your blog requires user registration, you should really try the "members.0.1.1" wordpress plugin....

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WP Anti-Proxy

This plugin will fetch and auto-correct the user's ip address in the event that the user is hidden behind a proxy or load balancer. Users accessing your site via proxy will be blocked and not be given access. This plugin scans both the http headers as well as ports. WP Anti-Proxy Checks Headers .........

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Antispam for all fields

Plugin to reject spam. Port from same author from Actually visits the URL from commenter to spider for spamwords. Also checks using API Compatible with many other anti spam plugins such as Akismet Plugin does a lot more such as (this list does not c.........

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