Receptiviti Twitter Personality Analyzer

By : unknown

Humans have long been advised to "know thyself" but the truth is that we may not know ourselves as well as we think we do. While you may be good at recognizing your feelings, your perception of your personality is probably not really all that accurate. In fact, your personality is better judged by how other people - friends and even strangers - perceive you. Enter your Twitter handle or the handles of friends, coworkers, celebrities, and politicians and learn about their personalities, emotions, the way they think, make decisions, and more. Or hardcode a Twitter handle into the plugin and create a real-time dashboard of that handle's psychology.


This is a serviceware plugin. It gets a line of text from my server and outputs it onto your admin panel. Meant to make everyones day a little brighter. :) If you have suggestions for the "personality" let me know at

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