By : jongos

WP-SiLCC auto-generates tags for blog content. It uses a natural language processing API called OpenSiLCC (http://opensilcc.com) from Swiftly.org. WP-SiLCC differs from similar auto-tagging plugins because it utilizes active learning techniques to improve it's tagging ability over time. If you are a developer interested in improving this code use the following links.

Source Code - http://github.com/ushahidi/wp-silcc Issue Tracker - http://github.com/ushahidi/wp-silcc/issues

Multi-Column Taxonomy List

Multi-Column Taxonomy List is a plugin that allows you to list your categories, tags, or custom taxonomies into multiple columns. This plugin is great to use on custom archives index pages to display all categories, tags, and custom taxonomies on a single page. You can also turn the list into links.........

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Taxonomy Widget

The Taxonomy Widget Plugin enables users to create widgets in their sidebar that display all terms of any given taxonomy. Users can choose between 3 different templates including two types of lists, a term cloud or a dropdown menu....

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KC Media Enhancements

This plugin provides enhancements for media/attachment management; the ability to insert images with custom size into posts and set terms for the attachments files....

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Remove Taxonomy Base Slug

If you would like to have a little more nice permalinks to your custom post types articles with custom permalinks - this plugin can help you with this. If the term has the same slug as the post type, then the taxonomy has the priority over the post type. Now I will show some examples: (Custom taxo.........

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Automatic Post Tagger

This plugin automatically searches posts when they are published/imported/saved and adds new taxonomy terms (tags by default) if term names or related keywords are found....

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Jam Taxonomy Image

This plugin will help you add a image ( thumbnail ) to Taxonomy like Category, Tag, Custom Taxonomy and display image via Widget, or function name 'get_taxonomy_image($term_id)' return URL image. Note: I do not add any CSS to Your theme header, and of course Image will have full size as you upload.........

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Shortlinks allows you to easily retrieve the shortlink for your WordPress posts, pages, categories, post_tags, attachments, custom post types, and custom taxonmies. By default, WordPress uses links a query string ( ie: http://blog.aizatto.com/?page_id=3565 ) to load up your posts, pages, categories.........

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Taxonomy Switcher

This plugin allows you to select your "From", and "To" Taxonomies, to convert all terms. Optionally select a parent term to limit terms to switch. Typing term names will do a live search of terms with the name you are typing AND possess child terms. Plugin also has built-in support for WP-CLI. In t.........

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Category Tag Pages

Adds categories and tags functionality for your pages. This plugin addsthe 'post_tag' and the 'category' taxonomies, which are the names of the existing taxonomies used for tags and categories the Post type 'page'. This enables the categories metabox and the tags metabox in the New or Edit Page in.........

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WP Category Tag Cloud

WP Category Tag Cloud provides a configurable widget displaying a cloud of tags, categories or any other taxonomy. The cloud elements can be displayed in different ways (see screenshots): as a flat list separated by spaces as a UL tag with the wp-tag-cloud class as price tags as rectangular tags .........

Similar: 14%