
By : DCoda

This plugin is only supported on PHP 5.2 or greater.

Black out certain words that may appear in a post especially when quoting. Aids you to keep the original content intact but maintain privacy or a family rating. Also allows the ability to hide explicit content, or spoiler information, such as sports results and film endings but allow the user to choose if they wish to view it.

Redactor gives you two forms of censorship:

1. Hide and Reveal

By wrapping a phrase in either [censor][/censor] or [spoiler][/spoiler] bbCode tags you will block out the phrase, but give the user the option to reveal the hidden phrase by moving over the phase with the mouse.

2. Automatic Predefined

On the Settings->Redactor admin page you can build a list of phrases you wish to censor. There are three types of possible censorship:

1. Blackout

This will remove the phrase from the post replacing it with black bars representing each word in the phrase.

2. Censor / Spoiler

This will obscure the phrase with either the word Censor or Spoiler but it gives the reader the opportunity to reveal the censored phrase.

3. Swap With

The most subtle form of censorship depending on how you use it. The censored phrase will simply be swapped for your desired replacement.

Redactor will match the phrases to be replaced to whole words and you will not have the problem of an accidental match inside a word, making nonsense of the post. Also for added safety Redactor will ignore any HTML or BBCode tags in the post, replacing only their inner content and not messing around with their attributes. To allow for the possibility that you may add phrases that overlap, you can prioritise the phases.

As Redactor filters the content each time the post is requested, It is recommended that you consider installing a page caching plugin.

If you are having trouble and cannot find the answers in the FAQ you can post your support questions to the WordPress Support Forum

If you find Redactor useful please rate it at and please consider making a donation to help us set aside more hours to maintain Redactor

Redactor is written by dcoda

You can check out our other plugins here

If you require a custom plugin you can contact us here and maybe we could write it for you.


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