
wpSpoiler is a plugin for WordPress, designed to protect the reader against spoilers, for example in book or filmreviews. The spoiler text is hidden by default and shows up if wished.

To mark a text as spoiler, enclose the passage with [spoiler] and [/spoiler].


  • Very fast, less code
  • Customizeable with CSS

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Hide Featured Image

There are instances when one wants to show featured image on one post and hide it on another post. This plugin will allow you to show or hide featured image from single post page. It supports custom post types also....

Similar: 38%

HandL Hide Content

With this very simple yet useful plugin, you can create your own rule for hiding content in your WP post or page. Usage is very simple: if you want to hide your content ONLY when foo=bar. Use the following. [HandL_HIDE foo=bar] Your rich content goes here. You can include anything: text, image a.........

Similar: 38%


This plugin allows you to show and hide specific portions of content within a post or page. Visitors can then use custom show/hide links to show or hide the portions you've defined. The plugin enables a few WordPress shortcodes: [peekaboo], [peekaboo_link] and [peekaboo_content]. To learn more read.........

Similar: 24%


This branch of WP_Spoiler has been discontinued. The core of WP_Spoiler has been recoded and rebooted for WordPress 3 and is now available under the name Redactor. You can find Redactor Here ...

Similar: 24%


This plugin is only supported on PHP 5.2 or greater. Black out certain words that may appear in a post especially when quoting. Aids you to keep the original content intact but maintain privacy or a family rating. Also allows the ability to hide explicit content, or spoiler information, such as sp.........

Similar: 19%

Display Widgets

Change your sidebar content for different pages, categories, custom taxonomies, and WPML languages. Avoid creating multiple sidebars and duplicating widgets by adding check boxes to each widget in the admin (as long as it is written in the WordPress version 2.8 format) which will either show or hide.........

Similar: 19%

Hide It

This plugin allows you to toggle visibility of any objects from within a post or page using shorttags and CSS class name or id attribute selectors. Example: [hideit hide=".widget-1, #header-div" show=".widget-2, p:contains('Lorem Ipsum')"]. A .dot indicates this is a class name, a #hash mark indicat.........

Similar: 17%

ROT13 Encoder/Decoder

The ROT13 Encoder/Decoder plugin allows bloggers and commenters to "encrypt" parts of their writing output with the ROT13 cipher in order to conceal content from other readers who don't wish to read them. Some cases where you or your site users may want to ROT13 content: Spoilers on a fan website.........

Similar: 13%

Show/Hide Content at Set Time

Like this plugin? Consider leaving a quick review or writing about how you've used it on your site - send me a link to that write up if you do. This plugin is maintained on GitHub, so feel free to use the repository for reporting issues, submitting feature requests and submitting pull requests. Th.........

Similar: 10%


You can use this plugin to hide part of the text of a post in a nicely-formatted container that will becomes unhidden when clicked on. The plugin can be useful for creating FAQ pages, hiding large pictures, and things like that. The plugin creates its own "Spoiler" button in the visual editor, but .........

Similar: 8%