Relative Site URL on Content Save

Allows you to publish content during dev phase without having to go back and fix your content's static URLs when you switch to the production URL. Registers [url] shortcode with your site's base URL setting. Replaces occurances of with [url]/the/link inside the content editor when you hit Publish or Update.

URL ShortCodes

Sometimes you want to put the base url( of the blog, or of the active template) in your content editor. Times when the template customising isn't quite flexible enough. With this plugin you can use [ur.........

Similar: 29%

WP file_get_contents()

A WordPress shortcode for PHP's file_get_contents() function. Examples: [wp-file-get-contents url=""] [wp-file-get-contents url="" cache="0"] [wp-file-get-contents url="file://dir/file.html"] [wp-.........

Similar: 23%


WordPress Pro plugins | Extra-shortcodes | Donate ...

Similar: 17%

Relative URL ShortCode

Now its easy to change domains and move your wordpress blog from subdomain to parent domain like from localhost to live domain you just need to use this shortcode [base_url] as your base url and images So now all links and images are fine after transfer site from localhost to live you don't need to .........

Similar: 15%

Post Address Shortening

With this Plugin you optimize your workflow as it enables you to auto-generate a shortened URL to your blog posts and stores it in the database. And the URL is displayed below the blog post. If the permalink of the article changes, a new Short URL will be automatically generated. These Short URLs ar.........

Similar: 10%

SEO Internal Link Shortcode

This plugin allows you to create internal <a> links within your content that will not break when things get renamed or moved. While there are similar plugins available, they do not offer important SEO options. You can add any HTML attribute to your link as long as it's prefixed with "attr_". .........

Similar: 10%

Earn Money From Cuttin.US Services WP Plugin

Description: Monetize your WordPress site or blog with Cuttin.US/services shortlinks. Automatic Shorten a URL in content post using Cuttin.US and get earn money. This plugin can convert automatic your links to Cuttin.US, no need to do it manually. Options: Enable/Disable Cuttin.US plugin Convert .........

Similar: 7%

WPU ShortLinks

Allows automatic url shortening of post links using WPU.IR Services using the API recently provided by WP-Parsi. Generate ShortLinks from Post Content URLs Generate ShortLinks with Bulk Action Request ShortLink With Admin Bar Shortcut Adds very simple social sharing buttons for Twitter, Facebook a.........

Similar: 4%

Social Media Feather - lightweight social media sharing and follow buttons

WordPress Social Media Feather is a super lightweight free social media WordPress plugin that allows you to quickly and painlessly add social sharing and following features to all your posts, pages and custom post types. The plugin supports adding of social buttons for sharing or following (that is.........

Similar: 3%

Import CSV with Ultimate CSV Importer

Import CSV data to WordPress is made very easy even for novice users as in few clicks and 3 simple steps with CSV Importer plugin. Now csv importer supports multi language and almost every WordPress modules and plugin fields as follows. Import data feed periodically from csv file as...

Similar: 3%