@ Reply

By : Yus

This plugin allows you to add Twitter-like @reply links to comments. When clicked, those links insert the author name and a link to the comment you are replying to in the textarea.

Most of the code is taken from the Custom Smilies plugin by Quang Anh Do which is released under GNU GPL : http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/custom-smilies/

Thanks to Guillaume Ringuenet for the arrow graphics.

I didn't create anything new, and I do not claim so in any way. This plugin is just a feature I wanted and judging by the number of downloads I guess I wasn't the only one. ;)

@Reply Two

This plugin allows you to add Twitter-like @reply links to comments. When clicked, those links insert the author name and a link to the comment you are replying to in the text. In addition, the Dashboard allows you to click to expand the parent comment (with a handy word count for those prolific co.........

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Automagically link Twitterish "@name:" replies in comments. Note: It hasn't been tested on versions earlier than 2.1, but may very well work....

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@Reply \w comment preview

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