Reply By Email

By : replypush

Much like's "Comment Reply via Email", you can reply to any post you subscribe to.

Integrates with the wonderful subscribe2 and service to provide the email reply magic.

It automatically adds notifications for comment posts to keep the conversation flowing :)

All the subscriber need do, is reply at the top of their quoted email notification.

Ozh' Absolute Comments

First versions of Absolute Comments implemented several features that are now, out of the box, part of WordPress. Absolute Comments now simply adds a "Reply" link into comment notification emails, prefills the comment reply with the commenter's name, and adds a few cute icons. There's no option or.........

Similar: 45%

Comment Email Reply

Simply notifies comment-author via email if someone replies to his comment. Zero Configuration....

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[ATTENTION] WordPress version MUST up to 2.7 Enhance the threaded comments system of WordPress 2.7. When someone reply to your comment, send a email to you....

Similar: 43%

Comments Emails

The plugin allows to export the names and email addresses of users, who have left comments on the blog. E-mail addresses of spammers will not be exported. Features Check from which fields of the wp_comments table to export data (comment_author, comment_author_email). Select fields delimiter. Show.........

Similar: 30%

Send email only on Reply to My Comment

UPDATE: Users now have three options to choose from: Do Not Send Email Notifications. Send Email Notification ONLY If Someone Replies To My Comment(s). Send Email Notification Whenever A New Comment Is Posted. If a user chooses the second option, then email notification will only be sent to him .........

Similar: 30%

Comment Notifier

Comment Notifier lets user to subscribe the comment thread of each single post of your blog. It improves traffic and loyalty. Notification emails are fully customizable (both plain text or html) with a number of "tags" to insert author name, post link and title, receiver name and so on. The "subsc.........

Similar: 25%

Simple Ajax Insert Comments Lite

Simple Ajax Insert Comments Lite is a small but powerful plugin for wordpress that allows you insert and get comments in a fast and easy. Simple Ajax Insert Comments Lite uses Ajax, jQuery and PHP to insert comments for what you don't need to reload the page....

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Subscribe To Comments Reloaded

Subscribe to Comments Reloaded is a robust plugin that enables commenters to sign up for e-mail notification of subsequent entries. The plugin includes a full-featured subscription manager that your commenters can use to unsubscribe to certain posts or suspend all notifications. It solves most of th.........

Similar: 11%

Postmatic - Post and comment subscriptions that invite you to hit reply. Now with Optins.

Read about how we are revolutionizing WordPress engagement on our site...

Similar: 9%

WP MashSocial Wigdet Lite

WP MashSocial Wigdet Lite: A beautiful widget inspired by Mashable to be used in sidebar, it allows you to add your Pinterest, G+ , Twitter , Facebook and Feeds Subscription in it . Ver = 1.8.6 = *Mashsocial is now Responsive *Issue with Google Plus Circle resolved (Google API Updated) *Asynchronou.........

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