Reset the Net splash screen

By : grosbouff

Runs the “Reset the Net” splash screen in protest on June 5th, to take a stand for privacy and to start making mass surveillance too hard for any government.
The script is set to hide until the day of; so it’s working properly if the plugin is activated but you don’t see anything.

Official website :

Demo : add #ALWAYS_SHOW_RTN_WIDGET at the end of your website URL; eg.

Australian Internet Blackout

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The plugin adds small protest box to your website. By default it's collapsed, but once clicked, the "Stop SOPA" box appears. On settings page you can specify the position of the protest box: either at the right bottom corner or at the middle right edge. You also can turn on/off "Blackout Day" optio.........

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SOPA Strike

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Stop PL118 Ribbon

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Support Occupy Wall St Banner

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xwolf Protest Page

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Prism Syntax Highlighter for WordPress

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WP Stop UK Communications Data Bill Ribbon

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