Author: grosbouff Related WordPress Plugins

Pinterest Importer

Pinterest Importer allows you to connect to your account; to fetch all your pins (including from secret boards); then to import them into WordPress. The difference with other plugins is that it is not based on the (very limited) official Pinterest API. This means that you can make a f.........

XSPF Stations

Run the Station Wizard to extract online datas (from radio stations, music services, tracklists, XML files, RSS feeds...); and generate a XSPF playlist that stays synced with your source. You can then listen to your station directly on your website (coming soon, via Hatchet; or using Tomahawk. Jus.........

bbPress Topic Sections

bbPress Topic Sections allows to split the topic content field into several sections, allowing to setup more detailled topic forums; eg. for having an ads forum. The content of the topic sections is just added to the post content (when saving a post); and extracted when editing/displaying it. Which.........

Batch Update Media Informations

Allows you to update the titles / descriptions / filenames of a several medias in one stretch. This is particulary handfull when you have a large media library that you need to update. Media IDs can be entered as comma-separated values and ranges (524,527,530-539,...) Option to add add a numeral s.........

WP Bitbucket

Use shortcodes to embed blocks from a bitbucket project page (project summary, last activity, etc)....

Pencil Wiki

Pencil Wiki is a simple wiki solution for your WordPress. Basically, it adds new roles & capabilities that allow your users to add/edit wiki pages (custom post type). It comes with several widgets and custom templates (that you can override) fully integrated with the Twenty Twelve theme. Page.........

BuddyPress Profile Progression

Simple plugin that adds a progress bar on members pages, which displays the percentage of profile completed by a user. By default, each field of the profile, except the base field (Name), worth 1 point. If you have setup 10 fields and that your user has filled 4 fields, his progress bar will be at .........

BuddyPress Real Names

BuddyPress Real Names allows you to change the regular nickname displayed for a user to anything you want, for example for displaying something like "John Smith", "Smith John Mr", "jsmith44 (John Smith)", or any other combination of xprofile fields. You can set rules to display names differently o.........

bbPress Pencil Unread

bbPress Pencil Unread display which bbPress forums/topics have already been read by the logged user; and adds classes to forums/topics so you can customize your theme easily. Compatible with BuddyPress Groups Forums feature. For forums, it checks if the user has visited the forum since it was last.........

Reset the Net splash screen

Runs the “Reset the Net” splash screen in protest on June 5th, to take a stand for privacy and to start making mass surveillance too hard for any government. The script is set to hide until the day of; so it’s working properly if the plugin is activated but you don’t see anything. Official website .........

Archive Remote Images

Archive Remote Images allows you to scan a post to fetch remote images; then updates its content automatically. A new metabox will appear when editing a post. If "Archive Remote Images" is checked, the plugin will grab all remote images and update the content when saving that post. Settings page .........

bbPress Votes

Allows logged users to vote up or down to topics and replies inside bbPress, just like you can on StackOverflow for example. Ajaxed Compatible with BuddyPress Hooks and filters to extend the plugin Votes log with users icons Allow to filter a query to sort posts by votes, see FAQ. Templates functi.........

Custom Post Links

Adds a new metabox to the editor, allowing you to attach a set of related links to any post. Nice GUI Options page Each link has a data attribute whose the value is the link domain url, making it very simple to style (for example, all links from Wikipedia could have a wikipedia icon — see the FAQ .........

Post Bookmarks

Adds a new metabox to the editor, allowing you to attach a set of related links to any post. Nice GUI Options page Default link title and image based on its url( Sort links by names or a custom order Powered by the WP core bookmark functions acti.........