bbPress Topic Sections

By : grosbouff

bbPress Topic Sections allows to split the topic content field into several sections, allowing to setup more detailled topic forums; eg. for having an ads forum.

The content of the topic sections is just added to the post content (when saving a post); and extracted when editing/displaying it. Which means that it gracefully degrades if you choose at some point to disable the plugin !

In the Administration Panel, there will be a new box "Topic Sections" on the forums pages, that works like regular post tags. If you add some topics sections there, it will add new section fields when creating / editing a topic under this forum.

Under Forums > Topic Sections, you can edit each of your topic sections to add a description (that will be shown on the forms) and setup several parameters for the section :

  • section required (validation not yet implemented)
  • maximum characters allowed (validation not yet implemented)
  • WYSIWYG editor enabled

Built with a lot of hooks so you can customize it easily !

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