
On a busy site you can't afford to make changes to live, published posts without reviewing and approving them first. Revisionize clones your post, page or CPT to a draft that gives you the freedom to tweak, edit and experiment with the content. Preview your drafted changes and/or share the preview with a 3rd party to approve the changes. When you're happy, publish the revision, which will copy your content changes to the original post. Alternatively, schedule the revision to publish your content at a specific time.

Post Status Scheduler

Post Status Scheduler allows for scheduling of post status changes, category/tag adding or removing and removing of postmeta on any given date or time. It can be activated on any post type and shows up on the post edit screen in the publish section. From version 1.0.0 it has a feature for sending .........

Similar: 38%

Custom Field Revisions

This plugin enables custom fields in revisions and makes preview work as expected when using custom fields (Means that custom fields are NOT saved to original post when clicking that Preview button)....

Similar: 34%

Orbisius Blank Slate

Support Support is handled on our site: Please do NOT use the WordPress forums or other places to seek support. If you want more features check Orbisius Blank Slate Pro This plugin allows you to delete (selected) content from your WordPress site/blog. For examp.........

Similar: 22%

Auto Post Scheduler

Use the Auto Post Scheduler to publish new posts and/or recycle old posts, automatically! No need to schedule post times individually, and recycling old posts keeps your site looking fresh. Especially useful when importing a large number of posts, you can have the Auto Post Scheduler publish them .........

Similar: 20%

PushLive - Staging Sites to Live in One Click

Now works with Multisite! - Featuring Independent Pushes for Each Site PushLive allows you to have a fully functioning staging site or Multisite environment for development that you then with a single click individually push to the live site when you're ready. ...

Similar: 11%

Advanced Database Cleaner

Description Advanced Database Cleaner is a must-have plugin that cleans your WP database by: 1. Removing unused data such as "revision", "draft", "auto draft", "moderated comments", "spam comments", "trash comments", "orphan postmeta", "orphan commentmeta", "orphan relationships", "dashboard trans.........

Similar: 8%


This plugin branched from version 1.1.3 of QF-GetThumb. Added function and change configuration screen. Thank you Q.F. and QF-GetThumb. QF-GetThumb-wb is plugin to make the thumbnail and the cache of first image data in the content and the argument source.This plugin can make JPEG, GIF, a format of.........

Similar: 7%

WC Load More Product

WC load more product is the plugin to show Woocommerce products in the content blocks using shortcode or widget using ajax load more pagination option. It supports complete responsive list and grid view of the products and best for Home and Sup-Pages with custom heading....

Similar: 7%

Duplicator / Cloner / Migrator

Duplicator clone plugin can duplicate, backup website, clone website or migrate WordPress website from one hosting place to another Duplicator clone plugin can also duplicate from localhost/developer host to production website To clone or duplicate WordPress website follow these simple steps: Ty.........

Similar: 7%

WP Staging - DB & file duplicator & migration

This cloning and staging plugin is brandnew, well tested but still beta and work in progress! If you find a bug please open a ticket in the support request. Every issue will be fixed asap! Update: WP Staging is released since 8 week and no critical issues are noticed so far so i will release the .........

Similar: 6%