Simple Accessibility

By : web-mv

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WP Accessible Twitter Feed

A widget with an accessible Twitter feed. Validates for WCAG 2.0. This plugin requires PHP5....

Similar: 25%

High Contrast Admin

Input fields on the WordPress admin screens have been nearly invisible since version 2.7. The problem was so severe that Matt suggested I make a plugin to override core CSS values for anyone who wanted more contrast. Following community feedback, I created a second plugin specifically for high cont.........

Similar: 23%

Logical Captcha

Logical Captcha takes advantage of the service, which provides logic-based textual questions instead of distorted images or audio to validate that the entity registering is a real live human being, and not a spam bot. It will provide protection against false registrations and the dre.........

Similar: 20%

WP Accessibility

This plug-in helps with a variety of common accessibility problems in WordPress themes. While most accessibility issues can't be addressed without directly changing your theme, WP Accessibility adds a number of helpful accessibility features with a minimum amount of setup or expert knowledge. All f.........

Similar: 19%

Universal Accessibility Key (UAK) / Initiative MAJ+A

-- En français -- L'idée de ce plugin est de donner la possibilité à toute personne ayant des difficultés visuelles (malvoyants, seniors) ou de compréhension (illettrisme) d'accéder immédiatement à une page "accessible" qui leur est dédiée. En résumé, le raccourci clavier MAJ + A redirigera l'util.........

Similar: 19%


This is a simple, cross platform, accessible audio player. (Basic usage) Write a shortcode like the following: [esplayer url="" width="200" height="25"] For more details, please see the document from the following URL:

Similar: 14%

MCE Accessible Language Change

Adds language change button in the WordPress WYSIWYG editor. (WCAG, BITV) A very light weight plug-in for inserting language change. The button will be added in the first row of the editor. Just highlight the word or phrase or insert the cursor in the text, then click on the language button. Fill .........

Similar: 12%


A great looking tool to make your WordPress website - accessible ready on all common browsers and platforms (Desktop / Tablets / Mobile). Check out Our Demo...

Similar: 10%

Amazon Machine Tags

Simple inclusion of Amazon items through machine tags. Identifies any tag in the machine or triple tag form book:isbn=1234567890 or amazon:asin=1234567890. Works with native tags from WordPress 2.3 and later, Bunny’s Technorati Tags, and Jerome’s Keywords. Gets the item information and a thumbnail.........

Similar: 9%


GSpeech is a text to speech solution for WordPress. It uses Google power to provide you the best quality of automatic text to speech service. Enjoy!...

Similar: 3%