Simple Code Highlighter

By : kedinn

Simple Code Highlighter

The Code Highlighter Plugin uses Google Code Prettify Script to highlight your code. You don't need programming skills to use'it. Simply press the button on editor toolbar and paste your code. The plugin does all the rest.

See more details and usages guide here

WP-Syntax Button

This plugin is designed to work with WP-Syntax ( It is in fact a copy/paste of CodeColorer TinyMCE Button adapted for wp-syntax, but it takes in consideration that wp-syntax allows you to specify the first line number. This plugin also corrects a disa.........

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SyntaxHighlighter Evolved PHP5

SyntaxHighlighter Evolved PHP5 is a plugin for self-hosted WordPress that adds support to Alex Mills' (Viper007) SyntaxHighlighter Evolved plugin for the PHP5 language . It provides a brush designed to work with the SyntaxHighlighter Evolved WordPress plugin . To be able to use this plugin, you wil.........

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Code Prettify

Uses the Google Code Prettify library that is minified and properly enqueued. Plugin applies code highlighting automatically to all <pre> and <code> tags on the page....

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Dottoro Syntax Highlighter

Dottoro Highlighter plugin is based on the Dottoro Syntax Highlighter service that provides professional coloring for CSS, HTML, JavaScript and XML languages. It supports highlighting CSS, JavaScript and XML blocks embedded into HTML documents, optionally selectable line numbering and buttons for co.........

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Syntax Highlighter for WordPress

This plugin easily integrates the SyntaxHighlighter by Alex Gorbatchev into WordPress. Supports AS3, Bash, C, C++, C#, ColdFusion, CSS, Delphi, diff, Erlang, Groovy, Java, JavaScript, JavaFX, Perl, PHP, Plain Text, Python, PowerShell, Ruby, Scala, SQL, VB, VB.NET, XML, and (X)HTML. Feature summary .........

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Prism Syntax Highlighter for WordPress

Despite two plugins already on I decided to write my own from scratch. The result is a minimalistic but powerful plugin with only ~250 lines of PHP. Supports every possible Prism configuration. Does not load prism on every page, only when needed. Supports automatic detection of prism.........

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Plum Code Box

Do you ever have a really hard getting your code formatted correctly in a post? Or do you ever have issues preserving tabs? Plum Code Box makes it easy to insert and manage code blocks using the Chili javascript syntax highlighter. The plugin adds option boxes to post and page editors. There are al.........

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SyntaxHighlighter Plus

SyntaxHighlighter Plus is a WordPress plugin for code syntax highlighting. It is an enhanced version of the original SyntaxHighlighter by Matt, Viper007Bond and mdawaffe. Please give them a big applause for making such a great plugin! SyntaxHighlighter allows you to easily post syntax highlighted c.........

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WP Code Prettify

This plugin enable syntax highlighting of code snippets in your post using Google Code Prettify....

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Uses highlight.js. 26 themes included. 55 languages supported (54 from highlight.js + 1 for nginx commands). Auto-detects language. Super-optimised, only loads js for the language. Adds buttons to tinyMCE for ease of adding code blocks. Optimised code with minimal overheads. All code on Github. ...

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