Simple Mail Address Encoder

Automatically encodes every e-mail address in a mailto tag on posts, pages, sidebar widgets and post/page meta values to prevent spam. Simply decodes any previously encoded e-mail address by just clicking the mail link.

This plugin does not have any graphical user interface - just activate it in your WordPress backend and let it do its job.

The enduser behavior is the same as usual as if the mail address where not encoded. Clicking the mail address link forces a real-time decoding provided by JavaScript.

Email Encoder Bundle - Protect Email Address

Encode mailto links, email addresses, phone numbers and any text to hide them from (spam)bots....

Similar: 30%


No more SPAM by spiders scanning you site for email adresses. With CryptX you can hide all your email adresses, with and without a mailto-link, by converting them using javascript or UNICODE. Although you can choose to add a mailto-link to all unlinked email adresses with only one klick at the setti.........

Similar: 29%

Cloak Front End Email

Plugin is easy to use: just install it, use short code [email] and it just works. Simple and easy to use plugin for displaying your email on the front end of your website safely and securely through JavaScript cloaking. Email that is displayed is the email you have setup as your admin email in Word.........

Similar: 24%


PHPEnkoder is a port of the excellent Hivelogic Enkoder to PHP and, more specifically, to WordPress. It is used to display text in a way that users can see and bots can't. The encoding system is directly and unabashedly stolen from the BSD-licensed source of Hivelogic Enkoder, which works by random.........

Similar: 22%

Tell A Friend: Share/Bookmark/Email/Social Bookmarking Button

Adds a tell a friend, Share/Bookmark/Email/Social Bookmarking button in a widget position. The service which is used is which supports e-mail address book, social bookmarks and favorites. WordPress Plugins Abit about FreeTellaFriend is a free service to .........

Similar: 13%

uFaver Social Bookmarking Widget

The uFaver button makes easier for your users to bookmark and share your articles with other people. With simple 1 click - install, it...

Similar: 12%

WebEmailProtector | email address spam protection

Welcome to the WebEmailProtector plugin for WordPress. This is the latest version, tested with WordPress version 4.3.1, WP's TwentyFifteen Theme and SocialIcons menus. With 100% satisfaction amongst its users so far we hope you like it too - but please review and leave your comments! Using WebEmail.........

Similar: 12%


Empower Your Visitors Raising the bar for social widgets, the revolutionary ShareMacro takes sharing a step further by automating the process with iMacros and enabling users to share with multiple email, social network, and bookmark services at the same time. For a demo and more goodies check out S.........

Similar: 10%

Contact Form Generator

Contact Form Generator is a powerful contact form builder for WordPress! It is structured for creating Contact Forms, Application Forms, Reservation Forms, Survey Forms, Contact Data Pages and much more. You will get ready-to-use forms just after installation. Contact Form Generator is packed with.........

Similar: 5%

LessButtons Social Sharing and Statistics

LessButtons automatically display sharing buttons for those social networks, where visitor registered and logged in. Support automated detection and display buttons for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Reddit, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki. 100+ more social networks and bookmark services.........

Similar: 4%