Simple Open Graph

By : PcFrk256

Simple Open Graph adds Open Graph meta data to the header. It's simple. Activate it and forget about it.

Open Graph WP implementation

The Open Graph protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph. For instance, this is used on Facebook to enable any web page to have the same functionality as a Facebook Page. While many different technologies and schemas exist and could be combined together, there isn't a .........

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Metadata SEO

This easy-to-use plugin provides a simple way for SEO integration as well as OpenGraph for facebook. Widget for Facebook Like & Share with View Face...

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This plugin help to get a better Social Media Optimization (SMO) because it let you to add the Open Graph protocol (OGP) meta tags on any pages or posts of your website. These meta data are used at least by Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn to display rich content whent a link is shared on these social.........

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WP Open Graph

You can add facebook meta data (open graph protocol) to any post/page/content type, edit it and enjoy your blog sharing. WP Open Graph automaticly extract data from post title, excerpt, "All In One Seo Pack" or "WordPress Seo by Yoast" plugins. It use post thumbnails(featured image) or presetted def.........

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Open Graph Rescrape

When you share a post/page on Facebook, it scrapes the url for the Open Graph Data to determine what image/video/content to display. Facebook caches to image for you so if you need to change it, the old image will still be displayed. Probably not what you want to do. You can manually go to the Faceb.........

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WP Open Graph Meta

Zur deutschen Beschreibung des Plugins This plugin adds several Open Graph Meta Elements to the header of your theme for blog posts and pages to avoid no thumbnail, wrong title / description issue etc. It is compatible with the WordPress SEO plugins "wpSEO" and "All in One SEO Pack". When a title o.........

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Pure Web Brilliant's Social Graph: Open Graph extras Extention

Adds the following tags to your header for better connection to facebook... og:email og:phone_number og:fax_number og:latitude og:longitude og:street-address og:locality og:region og:country-name og:postal-code The following tags were proposed and validated by Facebook in 2010: https://developer.........

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One of the best Facebook Like Plugins for WordPress out there. Add Facebook Like button to your posts. Configurable options allow you to select between IFrame & XFBML output methods, Select where to display your Like button. Adds a new button to TinyMCE that pops up a dialog to help you configur.........

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TG Facebook Meta Tags

TG Facebook Meta Tags plugin adds Facebook Open Graph meta tags to the Head section of the HTML code of your posts on WordPress so that when your posts are shared on Facebook, image and other details are shown properly. Many a time, when someone shares content on Facebook, either no image is shown .........

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Let your readers quickly share your content on Facebook with a simple click. It uses the new Facebook Like button released on Apr. 21st 2010. You can customize it in the Settings section: Access directly your Facebook Pages to manage them (see screenshot 2) Send updates to your Fans IFRAME or XF.........

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