SK Add Visual Editor Buttons

By : wprelief

This plugin allows you to choose which buttons you want to add to your editors through the Settings < Reading screen. Then it adds them to intuitive locations in the "kitchen sink" row of buttons for all the editors on your site.

Sane Visual Editor

Locks down the TinyMCE visual editor with a sane set of buttons that will help your authors to not insert disruptive styles. 3rd-party buttons are maintained, so your other plugins should keep working if they add buttons....

Similar: 40%

Compact MCE

A simple plugin that reorganize your WordPress editor TinyMCE controls. We removed WordPress's default editor useless controls and added more useful controls. Removed Controls Spell checker Distraction Free Writing New Controls Style select Table Code sample (to add <pre> formated codes.........

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WP Editarea

WP Editarea turns your Oldschool textarea code editor in WordPress Dashboard (plugin/theme editor) into a fancy realtime highlighted code editor using Editarea....

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The Tinder® Editor brings the WordPress TinyMCE built-in editor to the front-end of your site or blog so that you can edit the content of your pages and posts while directly viewing them. Simple installation and no modification of your themes or templates is required. From the front-end admin .........

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The XOpi™ Editor brings the WordPress TinyMCE built-in editor to the front-end of your site or blog so that you can edit the content of your pages and posts while directly viewing them. Simple installation and no modification of your themes or templates is required. From the front-end admin .........

Similar: 11%

AddFunc WYSIWYG Helper

AddFunc WYSIWYG Helper is a lightweight plugin that uses CSS to highlight prominent HTML elements in the default WYSIWYG editor (Tiny MCE), to help Editors see what they're editing. This in effect creates a sort of combination WYSIWYG/WYSIWYM (What You See Is What You Mean). With the WYSIWYM option .........

Similar: 11%

WP Fontallic Easypromoweb

Select from a variety of icon fonts, and see them right in the visual editor with the simplest icon font tools avaialbe, See the screenshots to preview the super simple user interface....

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MotoPress Content Editor Lite

MotoPress Content Editor enhances the standard WordPress editor and enables to build websites visually. It's complete solution for building responsive pages without coding and simply by dragging and dropping content elements. MotoPress plugin is easily extendable, fully responsive and works with all.........

Similar: 9%

Space Invaders

When the plugin is activated, TinyMCE now have three new buttons: Linefeed: passes the equivalent of two lines. Tab: it's the same as the "tab" key of our keyboard. Line-reset: if you put an image and you write some text beside, the line-reset simply making your cursor coming under the both. ...

Similar: 9%

Black Studio TinyMCE Widget

This plugin adds a new Visual Editor widget type that allows you to insert rich text and media objects in your sidebars with no hassle. The default WordPress text widget lacks of functionalities and it requires HTML knowledge, this plugin was born to overcome these limitations. With Black Studio Tin.........

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