Smartling Connector

By : smartling

The Smartling Connector extends the WordPress interface for seamless management of the translation process, all while leveraging the tools contained in Smartling’s Global Fluency Platform. Easily installed with minimal developer support, the combination of WordPress and Smartling provides users with a powerful technology solution to manage the translation and localization process with full visibility and control across the entire organization.

Integration Features

  • Automatic change detection for content updates
  • Robust custom workflow engine configurable per language
  • Automatic download of completed translations to WordPress
  • Translation Memory integration
  • No tie-ins to translation agencies or vendors
  • Reporting for translation velocity, efficiency

Lingotek Translation

Lingotek Translation offers convenient cloud-based localization and translation for WordPress by simplifying the process of creating and maintaining your multilingual website. Features include machine, professional, and community translation solutions that ease the manual burden of launching in new .........

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YD Setup Locale

This very simple WordPress plugin automatically sets up the WP language environment based on the first part of the url of any page. It will automatically setup the right XML header lang attribute + the internal WordPress $locale variable that is used to load the right language files for i18n and l1.........

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MotaWord Translation

MotaWord plugin allows you to seamlessly submit your posts for translation to MotaWord from within your WordPress admin panel. Major benefits of translating your website using MotaWord plugin: Access to high-quality translation of your website content in over 70 languages using professional trans.........

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WPGlobus Translate Options

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Theme translation for Polylang

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WPGlobus Featured Images

WPGlobus Featured Images is an extension to the WPGlobus plugin. It allows setting featured images separately for each language. NOTE: You need to install and activate the WPGlobus Multilingual Plugin before installing the WPGlobus Featured Images extension. ...

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Run each language in a separate site, and connect the content in a lightweight user interface. Use a customizable widget to link to all sites. This plugin lets you connect an unlimited amount of sites with each other. Set a main language for each site, create relationships (connections), and start .........

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Transifex Live Translation Plugin

Transifex Live is a fun, new way to translate your WordPress site. There’s no need to create one language per post, insert language tags, or have multiple WordPress instances. Your site’s content is automatically detected and ready to be saved to the Transifex localization platform, where you can or.........

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Hyyan WooCommerce Polylang Integration

This plugin makes it possible to run multilingual e-commerce sites using WooCommerce and Polylang.It makes products and store pages translatable, lets visitors switch languages and order products in their language. and all that from the same interface you love....

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Flags Widget

A simple plug-in that displays flag icons. This plug-in does not provide a way to translate posts directly, but offen you do not want a direct translation of posts. Still you want to add flag icons that link to other language versions of your blog. After installation of this plug-in a new widget w.........

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