SS Old URLs allows you to add URL redirects through the WP admin for old content URLs.

For example, if your old site had its about page at /about.html, but your new WordPress site uses a nice URL like /about/, you can add the rule /about.html ==> /about/. This will preserve any existing links to the old URL. In addition, we perform our redirects as "301" redirects so you should maintain as much "Google Juice" as possible.

This plugin is especially useful for developers and designers who are porting older websites to WordPress. You can also use it if your move pages around or change URLs/slugs for any reason.

404 Redirection

This simple plugin permanently redirects all 404's to the main blog URL. There may be several reasons why you might want to do this, but the primary purpose is to siphon Google Page Rank (TM) from missing pages to the homepage....

Similar: 17%

Cleverwise Redirect It

Once this plugin has been installed you'll easily be able to manage all your site redirects. In fact the plugin has no limits to the number of redirects you may manage. It works from dozens to millions (although you'll need more than budget hosting for millions). All this is done through your famil.........

Similar: 13%

301 Redirects

This plugin is perfect for when you are creating a new site for a client and need to manage all of the redirects from the old site to the new one. Find the link to the installed 301 Redirects in the Settings tab in the admin menu. It will set up a new table in your wordpress install called 'ts_red.........

Similar: 13%


Easily redirect any post or page to another page with a dropdown menu or by manually typing in a URL. Check out the screenshots. This plugin also changes permalinks and menus to point directly to the new location of the redirect - this prevents bots from getting a redirect and helps boost your SEO....

Similar: 13%

Custom WP Login

Custom WP Login replaces the WordPress login flow with custom pages. It allows you to have a complete user registration and login experience on the public-facing pages of your WordPress site. This is useful for sites who want to use WordPress' built-in users functionality, but only want to keep user.........

Similar: 12%

Fix Multiple Redirects

Help users to fix problems with multiple redirects and canonical redirects. - advice to configure DNS records, prevent canonical problems. - By disable canonical redirect filters. - By disable redicrecting filters. - By fixing .htaccess file. - Some FAQ with experience. - Increase speed of wordpress.........

Similar: 10%


UPDATE: This plugin is no longer supported. Please use 301 Redirects Plugin This plugin is perfect for when you are creating a new site for a client and need to manage all of the redirects from the old site to the new one. Find the link to the installed Links Auditor in the Settings tab in the ad.........

Similar: 10%

Inbound Brew

Inbound Brew will save you time and simplify your inbound marketing (sometimes called content marketing or permission marketing) processes. Inbound marketing, a concept made popular by Hubspot, allows you to create content that matters for the people that matter. Creating meaningful content results .........

Similar: 6%

Affiliate Links

Affiliate Links is a WordPress plugin for creating and shortening any internal or external links. This plugin will be useful for masking partner links to affiliate websites. You can also use it for shortening long URLs to simple pretty links such as ''....

Similar: 6%

RS FeedBurner - Easy Implementation of FeedBurner, FeedPress, and FeedBlitz Feeds

One of the easiest ways to implement your FeedBurner, FeedPress, or FeedBlitz feed on your WordPress site. It just works. This plugin redirects all requests for your native WordPress feeds to your FeedBurner, FeedPress, or FeedBlitz feeds so you can track all your subscribers and maximize your blog.........

Similar: 5%