Stop Living in the Past

Do your part to help phase out Internet Explorer 6 forever by adding a warning to your blog or site that tells visitors using Internet Explorer 6 or older that they need to upgrade to the current version right now.

The plugin inserts a 800px wide blue box with the following warning text:

"Your browser is outdated. Stop living in the past and upgrade! You are using the long outdated Internet Explorer 6 browser. This site may not display or work correctly and you are putting your data and privacy at risk. To get the most out of the web, upgrade to the newest version of Internet Explorer right now. If you are at work and you see this message, talk to your IT department and ask them to upgrade the browser to secure your company data."

The text contains two links, one directly to the Internet Explorer download page hosted by and the other to the website where visitors can get further information about the campaign and download this plugin.

The warning box is triggered by basic JavaScript and contains strict validated CSS and HTML. It is completely self-contained and will only show up if the visitor uses IE6. The plugin is designed in such a way that other than inserting the box at the top of the page it will not interfere with the content of your site.

WP IE Compatibility Checker

WordPress plugin that tell visitors to turn of IE compatibility mode if enabled. Check if IE compatibility mode is enabled. Write a custom popup text. Select on what page types you want to enable popup. Example: only on front page or on all pages. Select if you want visitors to be able to disable t.........

Similar: 34%

Gecka IE Warning

Display a configurable warning for Internet Explorer upgrade. Choose to display the warning for versions before IE8 or before IE7. Choose to always display the warning, or once per session, or once a day, or every 30 days or every year. The plugin configuration appears in the Reading Settings pag.........

Similar: 29%

Shockingly Big IE6 Warning

The Shockingly Big IE6 Warning is a plugin that shows a warning message alerting the user why it is bad to use IE6, the security risk and the bad compatibility of Web Standards. You can choose from 3 types of warning: TOP, a discreet top bar FULL, a fullscreen warning CRASH, the mean option See.........

Similar: 20%

Internet Explorer 6 Upgrade

This plugin detects if visitor is using the OLD Internet Explorer 6 (or even older) and displays a message to him to download a better browser, or at least upgrade to a new version of IE. This plugin supports the languages English Portuguese Brazil Turkish (thanks to Jackoon) Spanish (thanks to t.........

Similar: 20%

Linux Promotional Plugin

The Linux Promotional Plugin is a plugin that shows a informative message alerting Windows and Mac users about the advantages of Linux, and providing links to choosen distros. You can choose from 2 types of promotions: TOP, a discreet top bar FULL, a fullscreen promotional message See the new L.........

Similar: 19%

SVN Auto Upgrade

Description: Hook into plugin and core upgrader to support SVN driven sites. Now you can freely use the WordPress auto upgrade features without worrying about the Subversion impact. Just upgrade in WordPress and then commit the changes in SVN. Additionally, this plugin displays the current SVN vers.........

Similar: 10%

Advanced Browser Check

This plugin requires PHP 5.3 or above This plugin give you the option to give a visitor of your site a warning popup if they use a browser that you don't support. For example, Internet Explorer 9 or lover. It supports the 5 largest and most popular browser on the market. Firefox Chrome Safari Op.........

Similar: 9%

Genesis What's New Info

Get Access to Genesis What's New Admin Page This simple & lightweight plugin has currently only one task: bring you access to the "What's New" page for Genesis Framework. You can access it everytime in the left-hand admin menu under "Genesis > What's New". (Before this plugin it did only.........

Similar: 8%

Improved Plugin Installation

This plugin is an improvement to the current WordPress plugin installation methods. It allows you to install one or more plugins simply by typing their names or download URLs in a textarea. This means you can install all your favorite wordpress plugins in one go! Furthermore, a bookmarklet is incl.........

Similar: 7%

Disable All WP Updates

Disable WordPress Updates This plugin disables all WordPress updates and update checks. This includes WordPress core, WordPress plugin and WordPress theme update checks. This plugin was created by Thomas Griffin. Check out some of my other products, including Soliloquy - the best responsive WordPr.........

Similar: 5%