Stripe Donations

By : logikal16

Accept donations on your site using the Stripe Button.

Browse to for more information.

AJAX Donations via Stripe Checkout

The Stripe Donations for WordPress plugin creates a super easy way for your users to donate on your site without having to refresh the page. It uses Stripe Checkout to overlay the page and then posts the donation through AJAX to keep your users engaged on your site. Whether it's during a YouTube Vid.........

Similar: 30%

Donation Form

Donation Form | The “Donation Form” by adds a simple donation tab and payment form integrated with PayPal onto your WordPress installation. The donation plugin is easy and fast to install, and effortless for your users or website visitors. The Donation Form is integrate.........

Similar: 25%

Flattr Shortcode Widget

This is a widget that allows you to quickly and easily create a flttr widget within posts and pages using a simple shortcode. The advantage of having a shortcode is that it can be customised for every use. The short code has lots of customisability and can be used in a very basic way or with more ad.........

Similar: 15%

Liqpay Donate

Another small plugin for donations. This plugin allows you get donations and accept payments from people using LiqPAY system. LiqPAY is the swiftly developing payment system in Europe. Visit widget page for more information....

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Flattr RSS

This plugin will create a Flattr button in you RSS feeds item. Feed readers whith support can then show the button below the text, so that readers can Flattr directly from their RSS reader. Flatt RSS plugin requires an account at!...

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Payolee Website Payments for WP

About Accept One-time or recurring payments on your wordpress website. Place a payment button or payment form on your worpress site with our shortcode. You’ll need a Payolee account to use this plugin....

Similar: 13%


IMPORTANT! PLUGIN IS NOT SUPPORTED ANYMORE! This plugin allows you get donations and accept payments from people using WebMoney system. WebMoney is the most popular payment system in Europe. iYou can show donors list and total donations amount in your blog sidebar and pages using [shortcodes]. Visit.........

Similar: 12%

Give - WordPress Donation Plugin

Give's goal is to "Democratize Generosity". Give is the most robust WordPress plugin available for accepting donations. Upon activation, Give provides you with powerful features towards helping your raise more funds for your cause. ...

Similar: 11%

PaymeButtons for Stripe

What is PaymeButtons for Stripe? PaymeButtons for Stripe is an awesome alternative to PayPal's buy now, pay now and donation buttons. With PaymeButtons for Stripe you can start accepting credit card payments on your site in minutes - no coding required. Although many payment plugins charge you upo.........

Similar: 11%

GoUrl Bitcoin Payment Gateway & Paid Downloads & Membership

GoUrl Official Bitcoin/Altcoin Payment Gateway for WordPress. See Screenshots -

Similar: 5%