SW Chosen

Converts the select boxes of your WordPress site into Chosen autocomplete boxes

Chosen is a wonderful jQuery plugin which changes select tags into user-friendly auto-complete boxes.

JK Development Console

This is the easiest way to add custom css and/or javascript to your site. Two large windows with css and javascript syntax highlighting makes it super easy to read and write code. JK Development console also uses AJAX to save the css and javascript data - meaning that the page won't reload and you c.........

Similar: 29%

Dev Monitor

Dev Monitor optionally adds SQL Query, Memory Usage, Execution Time, Javascript, CSS, WordPress Conditionals, and included theme and plugin PHP file information to the admin bar for users with the appropriate permissions. Use this plugin to aid your development by making it easy to see which files a.........

Similar: 29%


AHAX is a drop-in solution that allows theme or plug-in developers to take advantage of a very simple and streamlined way of making AJAX requests. The goal of this plugin is to make the process of setting up an AJAX request as simple as possible. This plugin centers AJAX requests around an "action.........

Similar: 23%

Hikari Tools Framework

Hikari Tools Framework isn't a plugin with features for the end user. It's a development framework with tools to be used by other plugins, so that they don't need to duplicate the same code over and over again. It deeply decreases plugins development time, specially in building options pages. For t.........

Similar: 9%

BugFu Console Debugger

BugFu lets you log from PHP directly to your Browser JavaScript Console - Meant as an aid to those practicing the ancient art of debugging - HOW TO CHECK IF BUGFU IS WORKING Open your browser console, if you see this header, BugFu is working properly ################################ #### BugFu Co.........

Similar: 8%

Power Code Editor

Helps you more effectively edit your themes or plugins when you only have access to a browser, by enabling syntax highlighting in WordPress' integrated source code editors. Supports PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Please provide any feedback at http://anetech.eu/power-code-editor/ Everything is don.........

Similar: 7%

Search Box Google par JM Créa

Search Box Google par JM Créa permet d’intégrer le mini moteur de recherche de votre site dans les résultats Google. Le plugin est paramétrable et le code javascript se place automatiquement entre les balises head....

Similar: 4%

Ad Inserter

Need to install ads or widgets on WordPress website? Ad Inserter is a simple yet powerful solution to insert any code into WordPress. Perfect for AdSense or contextual Amazon ads. Simply enter any HTML/Javascript/PHP code and select where and how you want to display it. Automatic Display Options: .........

Similar: 4%

Adrotater Email Add-on

Adrotater Email add-on is an add-on plugin for AdRotate plugin. This plugin adds functionality to send emails to your advertisers with monthly ad reports. Adrotater Email add-on also provide functionality to edit email template and u can set as per your Requirement and send ad reports to your adver.........

Similar: 4%

CSS & JavaScript Toolbox

Update Notice After a long hiatus in development, we have decided to focus our entire efforts on our new premium extension plugin called CSS & JavaScript Toolbox PLUS, which is designed to work with and UPGRADE the free version. Unfortunately we will be moving many features from the free versio.........

Similar: 3%