
By : jamalk

Adds a sidebar widget and display OPML, ATOM, RSS feed link for your WordPress blog. For more information about the plugin please see:

LinkShare AdMix

LinkShare AdMix is based upon the work of Charles Johnson ( The latest version is supported by LinkShare. To ask for support or suggest improvements, contact developers (at) LinkShare AdMix makes it easy for you to integrate RSS content ads from LinkShare .........

Similar: 37%

RSS Just Better

It displays a list of feed items from a given feed URL. You can select cache recreation frequency, the number of displayable news and whether you want publication date, time (and in which format), an excerpt and reference to the plugin homepage displayed or not. You can also choose to have a ordered.........

Similar: 34%

showRSS Widget

Das showRSS-Plugin der CONTENTmanufaktur ( zeigt den RSS-Feed einer anderen Webseite an. Es können folgende Einstellungen gemacht werden: - Zahl der Einträge, die angezeigt werden sollen - Zahl der Wörter, die aus dem Text angezeigt werden sollen -Titel des Widgets.........

Similar: 34%

Google News Just Better

Important Note: This plugin still works at this time (wp version 3.4.1) but wont be maintained any longer. Please uninstall it and use RSS just better instead which covers the same functionalities and offers a few extra customizations too. It displays the list of the latest news by Google News give.........

Similar: 31%

Simple Feed Copyright

Adds copyright notice at end of articles in full text RSS feeds, with back links to the blog and original article. A notice gets attached at the bottom of feed articles like this Original Article: Title of Article (linked to permalink) Copyright Year. Blog Title (linked). All Rights Reserved You.........

Similar: 25%

Copyright Footer RSS

An easy way to protect the RSS feed from the theft is possible with this WordPress plugin. You are able to customise the copyright message you will add at the bottom of your feed articles. The copyright message will also be added for your ATOM feed....

Similar: 20%

Extended Blogroll

This WordPress Widget allows you to display the recent posts of your blogroll links via RSS Feeds as a sidebar widget or via shortcode [blogroll] in any post or article on every position you want to. The Plugin works without Javascript and without AJAX. It uses the WordPress standard links.........

Similar: 19%

Syndicate Press

Syndicate Press lets you include RSS, RDF or Atom feeds directly in your WordPress Posts, Pages, Widgets or anywhere in your theme. Syndicate Press features an easy to use admin page and includes great features such as feed caching, filters and numerous display options. Unlike a number of other new.........

Similar: 16%


PressForward is a free plugin that provides an editorial workflow for content aggregation and curation within the WordPress dashboard. It is designed for bloggers and editorial teams who wish to collect, discuss, and share content from a variety of sources on the open web. PressForward helps you: .........

Similar: 13%


This Widget Plugin enables you to display Sportgate News Feeds on your WordPress website without knowing anything about the format of the feeds. Just select from a preset list of categories which feed you want to have displayed and customize its appearance as you like inside the boundaries of Sportg.........

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