Twitter Profile Field

Twitter Profile Field is a simple WordPress plugin that gives the user a new field in the profile page to add in their Twitter username.

The pluhin also provides a shortcode which allows authors to display their, or others, Twitter usernames, optionally with a link, in posts, pages, and text widgets.

Youtube Profile Field

Youtube Profile Field allows you to automatically show your latest Youtube videos on your blog. Just enter your Youtube username in the profile and you're ready to show your videos to the world! Show your videos in your posts, pages, and text widgets using a shortcode, or in your theme files using .........

Similar: 46%

Contact Info Options

Contact Info Options is a simple WordPress plugin that modifies the contact info fields in the user profile. The plugin gives you the option to disable unused instant messager fields (AIM, Yahoo IM and Jabber/Google Talk) and/or to add additional fields, currently social networking (Twitter, Faceboo.........

Similar: 32%

Extra User Details

Extra User Details is the simple plugin that allows you to add extra fields to the user profile page (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn links etc). Extra fields can be easily accessed in your templates like a general wordpress author details: <?php the_author_meta('meta_key'); ?> P.........

Similar: 16%

Starbox - the Author Box for Humans

How Do I Get Support For This Plugin? If you want more Social Icons and Premium Support, that also comes with High Priority, go to: We added new features in the PRO version like: keep the user custom image in all the site Starbox.........

Similar: 10%

ProfilePress - Custom Login, Registration & Password Reset Form Builder for WordPress

Ever wanted to create a custom Login, Registration, Password Reset forms and Front-end User Profile that will conform to a WordPress (theme) design? With knowledge of just HTML & CSS, code the form component in combination with our expressive shortcodes, make it pretty with CSS and ProfilePress .........

Similar: 5%

Social Media Feather - lightweight social media sharing and follow buttons

WordPress Social Media Feather is a super lightweight free social media WordPress plugin that allows you to quickly and painlessly add social sharing and following features to all your posts, pages and custom post types. The plugin supports adding of social buttons for sharing or following (that is.........

Similar: 5%

Social Share 2.0 - Social Bookmarks

This plugin adds a small widget within each blog post to share blog posts on Facebook, Twitter, Google Buzz, Digg, Surfpeople, and well over 100 more social bookmarking and sharing sites ....

Similar: 3%

Custom Login Page Styler - Admin login page

Give your admin login , login , registration and password recovey pages new customized look in few minutes zero coding skill required. Create your own custom login page or Admin login with custom login page styler ,Easy to use no coding skills required for customization. Create beautiful custom l.........

Similar: 3%

Ads Manager WP/BB

Use this plugin to quickly and easily insert Any Ad code Unit to your posts and BuddyPress sections including Forum topics....

Similar: 3%

WPVKP Custom Login Page

This easy to use plugin gives you the power to convert the boring wordpress login page with much more attractive and personalized login page. This plugin helps to improve your brand authority and also helps to improve user experince. Now can customize the logo, the background, the login button and v.........

Similar: 2%