TWN Weather

By : unknown

Display the weather for your city on your sidebar. Select from various layouts and designs

  • Set your widget preferences at
  • Select from two different font colours
  • Select between metric or imperial
  • Select between a single loction or multiple locations (up to six)

AnyWP Weather

Features: Display weather in fahrenheit or celsius Location can be city, state, zip code, WOEID Weather data from the Yahoo! Weather API Customize text and hyperlink color by CSS Lightweight, easy to use ...

Similar: 67%

Weather Layer

Weather Layer is a plugin which allows you to display a layer with weather information for a choosen city. For example, if you want to display weather for Paris into a post, you just need to insert the following shortcode : [weatherlayer country="France" city="Paris"] This will display a horizont.........

Similar: 50%

My Weather

Display the weather for your city on the sidebar. Select from various layouts, designs and colours Select your country and city, check database of over 60,000 cities Select from a range of small to large widget designs Select centigrade or fahrenheit Select custom text and backroun.........

Similar: 45%

WorldWeather Pro

WorldWeather Pro is a simple, customizable weather widget for WordPress. Powered by the World Weather Online API, WorldWeather Pro supports 40 weather types....

Similar: 40%


wp-ng-weather is a simple widget for WordPress, which allows you to put a weather widget in your website, by using a simple shortcode like this: [ng-weather api-key="my-api-key" city="Bergamo" locale="it"] No coding is required! wp-ng-weather is a wrapper for Tony Samperi's ng-weather (tonysam.........

Similar: 30%

WP Cloudy

WP Cloudy is a flexible and easy to use weather plugin that allows you to create unlimited different weather using Custom Post Types and Open Weather Map API. Create a weather, select your city, choose the options and customize the look in a few clicks. Embed it anywhere with the shortcode automat.........

Similar: 19%

Dynamic Visitor Weather

The perfect way to show current conditions and a 3-day forecast in your sidebar, for your visitor's location. Great for travel sites, town or city sites, etc. It looks good, takes up little space and is easy to set up. The widget uses accurate weather data from World Weather Online....

Similar: 17%


NOTE: ZIGWEATHER REQUIRES PHP 5.3! ZigWeather gives you a multi-widget to show weather on your site. Anyone using earlier (pre 2.0) versions of this plugin should try this new version, which uses a different online weather service for data capture, and a different method of setting locations. This.........

Similar: 17%

Awesome Weather Widget

Pro Version available. Weather icons, New Layouts and Custom Templates, Weather by Yahoo! (no API key required), User Location Detection and more! This plugin allows you to easily add super clean (and awesome) weather widgets to your site. The weather data is provided for free by http://openwe.........

Similar: 17%

WCP OpenWeather

WCP OpenWeather plugin allows you to add various widgets and shortcodes with current weather or forecast for your city. Our plugin is based on free OpenWeatherMap API and works with free API key for weather data receiving with limitation for this plan, but you can buy any key for paid plans and use.........

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