UTF8 Sanitize

By : Mrasnika

This plugin is designed to “fight” the broken UTF8 characters on your WordPress powered site.

Install the UTF8 Sanitize WordPress plugin and you will be able to fight those ugly characters. Additionally, you can customize what actions you want to perform on them - either convert them to their original values once and for all by modifing your posts’ database, OR leave all your posts intact and instead convert the ugly chars each time a post is loaded (all these options are controlled from the WordPress admin panel).

ISO to UTF content

This plugin will convert ISO-8859-1 data to UTF-8 data in a MySQL UTF-8 WordPress database where things at some stage went wrong - this can happen during a command line backup/restore batch if your shell is misconfigured, for instance. Install the ISO to UTF content plugin and you can with a few cl.........

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UTF-8 Database Converter

Since the release of WordPress 2.2 the character set has been set by default to UTF-8 and the users that come from previously versions of WordPress, may have some problems with the old Latin1 character set and the new default UTF-8 character set. This plugin has been designed and developed with the .........

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This plugin will attempt to convert a wordpress or wordpress mu database with content in whatever character set to utf8. It uses the information provided by this guide on the wordpress codex site. Before using this plugin it is mandatory to have a working and recent backup of your database. If anyt.........

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HW Feed Cleaner

This is a very simple, yet effective plugin that strips away non standard UTF-8 characters from your various RSS and Atom feeds. A typical symptom that you need this plugin is if WordPress is generating non-valid XML for your feeds....

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Universal Slugs

WordPress is brilliantly designed for SEO but, if you happen to speak a language that uses characted that are not included on the English alphabet, then you either have to bear with massive, odd looking permalinks, or manually update each one whenever you write a post or a page. Universal Slugs fix.........

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Force Wave Dash

日本語で読む When using Unicode in Japanese, there is "WAVE DASH Problem", "FULLWIDTH HYPHEN Problem": a problem which similar-glyph but different-code-character are used in Unicode texts. Below are invalid (left) and prefered (right) pairs: "~" U+FF5E FULLWIDTH TILD -> "〜" U+301C WA.........

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Enable RAW HTML - Disable Corruption

Line breaks will not become P elements. Errors in HTML will not be fixed, no correction of Unicode Characters. Quotes, dashes, trademark symbols and so on will stay as they are. This simple plugin switches all of the filters for your content off. Everything you type will be sent to your visitor's b.........

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Full UTF-8

Full UTF-8 adds complete support for any UTF-8 character. Without this plugin, WordPress truncates anything after the first 4-bytes-long UTF-8 character. Suppose you copy some text from a web page and paste it into the editor. You see everything is fine, so you hit save. As soon as the page is relo.........

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National Characters

The plugin allows you to enter national characters (special characters) in username during registration. Based on the WP core function. WordPress does not allow to use national characters in usernames by default. This plugin fixes this issue....

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The idea of this plugin is to let you stop WordPress from formatting your HTML in specific parts of your posts. It's very simple to use, you just have to write: <!-- noformat on --> on the WordPress Editor, just before the part you want to protect, and from that point on, WordPress won't to.........

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