
By : acegiak

WhisperFollow turns your wordpress blog into a federated social web client. In it's current form it aggregates RSS feeds in a page on your blog called "following" which it creates. The links it aggregates are the ones from your blogroll with rss feed data. Reblogs are automatically in the "whispers" category which can be excluded from pages if you like using plugins like Simply-Exclude.

This plugin will be updated to be ostatus compatible working with the ostatus-for-wordpress plugin.


The AWE plugin is based on a simple idea: read several news feeds, select a few posts, and distribute them into another feed. This plugin gives reliability by making a copy of the news incase the source is shutdown. Furthermore, because posts can be distributed at various sources it makes domain nam.........

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EverPress is an automatic RSS posting plugin primarily designed to integrate with the information capturing service, Evernote. This plugin allows Evernote users to automatic post their shared notebooks to WordPress. Supported features: Post scheduling - by day, week or month, and time of day Post.........

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I recommend

Ready to start your own trust-based marketing buzz? Use TrustedOnes to Ask for, Find and Share recommendations on products and local services. Works with your existing friends at any one of over 40 social networks. This widget displays your (and optionally friends') recommendations. Content changes .........

Similar: 19%

Feedburner Follow Me

Feedburner Follow Me is a simple plugin that allows you to show Google Feedburner subscription form either as a floating button or in sidebar(widgetized areas of your site). This plugin is very helpful for your visitors to subscribe to your feed and receive every new update into their inbox right aw.........

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WPeMatico is for autoblogging, automatically creating posts from the RSS/Atom feeds you choose, which are organized into campaigns. PHP 5.3 is required! For RSS fetching it's using the Simplepie library included in WordPress or force use of external. Also for image processing it's using the core.........

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PressForward is a free plugin that provides an editorial workflow for content aggregation and curation within the WordPress dashboard. It is designed for bloggers and editorial teams who wish to collect, discuss, and share content from a variety of sources on the open web. PressForward helps you: .........

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Flattr RSS

This plugin will create a Flattr button in you RSS feeds item. Feed readers whith support can then show the button below the text, so that readers can Flattr directly from their RSS reader. Flatt RSS plugin requires an account at flattr.com!...

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FeedSyndicate Full Text News Article Importer

The FeedSyndicate WordPress Plugin is a tool that will permit you to import packaged news content from your FeedSyndicate account and insert it directly into your WordPress site. Please contact Sales@feedsyndicate.com or visit http://www.feedsyndicate.com for more information....

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Shortcoder is a plugin which allows to create a custom shortcode and store HTML, Javascript and other snippets in it. So if that shortcode is used in any post or pages, then the code stored in the shortcode get exceuted in that place. Check out the LIVE DEMO of the plugin...

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AddToAny Share Buttons

The AddToAny WordPress sharing plugin helps people share your posts and pages to any service, such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Reddit, and over 100 more sharing and social media sites & apps. AddToAny is the universal sharing platform, and AddToAny's plu.........

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