WordPress-bbPress syncronization

By : bobrik


bbPress part may be downloaded here

When you post comment to WordPress it automatically mirroring in bbPress and back. See ChangeLog section to know about new hot features


  • Optional: php-curl module must be installed for https communication
  • WordPress user database must be integrated with bbPress
  • Plugin must be installed and correctly configured in both systems


  • Creating topic for new comments on post and continuing conversation
  • Creating topic for new posts after publishing
  • Mirroring comment/forum post changes WordPress to bbPress and back
  • Mirroring comment/forum post status (spam, unapproved, approved)
  • Per-post enable/disable for comment syncronization
  • Anonymous comment mirroring
  • Showing anonymous userinfo in forum
  • Syncronizing conversation status (open or closed)
  • Using secret key authorization between parts
  • Settings page
  • Syncronizing plugin status in WordPress and bbPress
  • bbPress forum selection
  • Showing post excerpt in bbPress topic beginning
  • Optional quoting first post in topic
  • Correct displaying even you use markup plugins
  • Hiding comment for in WordPress after some comments and pointing to forum
  • Optionally showing only some recent comments in WordPress
  • Optionally disabling syncing posts back to WordPress from bbPress
  • Automatic redirection of relative links in posts/comments
  • Translations: English, Russian, Belarusian, you may do your own
  • WP template functions: wpbb_forum_thread_exists, wpbb_forum_thread_url(https://wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-bbpress-syncronization/returns string)
  • Adding tag for crossposted forum topics to process them on bbPress side
  • Crossposting to specified forum according post category


  • Coding
  • Translation (heh, you may help with English version too)
  • Bug reporting

Made for news.vitebsk.cc

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