bbPress Integration

When a user logs in to WordPress, certain cookies are set in their browser which indicate to the server whether the user is logged in on subsequent page loads.

bbPress can be set up to have the ability to read the standard cookies created by WordPress to check whether a user is logged in and can grant the user access to bbPress based on these. The majority of this setup is done in the bbPress administration area via the "WordPress integration" settings page, but it is also necessary to setup this plugin so that WordPress can set a couple of extra cookies which are required.

This plugin is only useful if you are running bbPress version 1.0-alpha-4 or later.

bbPress Forum Redirect

Allows you to override the default behaviour of bbPress forums, linking them to an external site. bbPress Forum Redirect requires no real configuration... it simply adds a metabox to the forum edit screen allowing you to specify an override URL....

Similar: 50%

WordPress-bbPress syncronization

YOU NEED TO SET UP SAME PLUGIN FOR BBPRESS TOO! bbPress part may be downloaded here When you post comment to WordPress it automatically mirroring in bbPress and back. See ChangeLog section to know about new hot features REQUIREMENTS: Optional: php-curl module must be installed for https communi.........

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BuddyPress - New UI

A great plugin changes the interface of the BuddyPress: now it looks beautiful, fresh and in dark/light colors with plugin settings (SOON). The plugin integrated with plugin "bbPress New UI". If you have an idea for plugin - just write me in! Features: Redesigned all sections of .........

Similar: 22%

bbPress Admin Bar Addition

Quick Access to bbPress Forums Resources - Time Saver! This small and lightweight plugin just adds a lot bbPress 2.x related resources to your toolbar / admin bar. Also links to all setting/ tab pages of the plugin are added making life for forum administrators/ moderators a lot easier. So you migh.........

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Orbisius bbPress Signature

This plugin allows your users to have signatures in a bbPress powered forum. The signature box appears as a separate menu as well as under user's profile page....

Similar: 19%

GD bbPress Tools

Adds various expansions and tools to the bbPress 2.x plugin implemented forums. Currently included features: BBCode shortcodes support Quote Reply or Topic User signature with BBCode and HTML support Additional custom views Basic topics search results view Toolbar menu integration Limit bbPress ad.........

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GoUrl BBPRESS - Add Premium Membership with Bitcoin/Altcoin Payments

It will add Premium Membership and Bitcoin/Altcoin Gateway to your bbPress Forum & Customer Support System. You can mark some topics on your forum/customer support system as Premium and can easily monetise it with Bitcoins/altcoins. Pay to read bbPress Premium Topics and Replies, Pay to add new .........

Similar: 9%

CM Answers

CM Answers is a plugin for WordPress that enables users to post questions and answers (Q&A) in a Stackoverflow style. Plugin also includes social media registration using Facebook, LinkedIn or Google+, Twitter & Microsoft Live authentication. The CM Answers discussion forum plugin has many o.........

Similar: 5%

CM Plugins Video Tutorials

The CM Video Tutorial plugin for WordPress include a library of video tutorials which show how to use CM Plugins with in depth explanation of the different plugins functionality and features. This includes tutorials for CM Answers, CM Tooltip Glossary, CM Download Manager, CM Ad-Changer and many mor.........

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GoUrl Bitcoin Payment Gateway & Paid Downloads & Membership

GoUrl Official Bitcoin/Altcoin Payment Gateway for WordPress. See Screenshots -

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