WP Anti Spam

By : boliquan

WP Anti Spam can anti automated spambots, it can also anti spams by"comment","ip","name","email","url". It is a good assistant to help you anti artificial spams. You can set the 'Minimum number of words' and 'Maximum number of words' to limit the comment words. You can set the 'protected nicknames' and 'protected emails' to stop posing. When the commenter has no Gravatar,you can choose 'no treatment' or 'mark it as spam' or 'block it'. The admin has just to add some words to a ban list, and the system will prevent users who break the rules from posting again. If you speak chinese, you can check 'Some Chinese' to anti the spams from other languages. Besides, it can delete its own options, so it is a green plugin !


Anti-spam Pro | Anti-spam | Donate | Github Captcha madness: Why humans should prove that they are humans by filling captchas? Lets bots prove that they are not bots with adding javascript to their user-agents! Anti-spam plugin blocks spam in comments automatically, invisibly for user.........

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