WP BrowserUpdate

Many internet users are surfing with out-dated browsers for several reasons (mainly because they do not know how to update). Switching to a newer browser is better in terms of security and reliability. This plugin informs your visitors to switch to a newer browser in an unobtrusive way. Just activate this plugin and you and your visitors are good to go…

Go to browser-update.org for more information.

If you wish to contribute your own language, please have a look into the plugin’s language folder. There you’ll find WPBU.pot which can be edited with Poedit. Alternatively, feel free to drop me a plain-text e-mail with the translated texts and I’ll compile afterwards. Send your translation to me afterwards. I really appreciate your support!

Global Plugin Update Notice

As of WordPress 2.6, this plugin is deprecated. WordPress now displays the number of plugins that need updating on all pages. If you're like me, you want to make sure to always be running the latest version of all of the plugins that you have installed and activated. The problem though is that you .........

Similar: 50%

No More IE6

NoMoreIE6 This Word Press Plugin adds a browser dependent upgrade-message to the website header, explaining the risks of using IE6 and providing links with icons to upgrade to a recent browser. It only uses CSS conditions, no scripts. It's totally unobtrusive, and built with valid W3C code....

Similar: 30%

Disable Errors in Plugins

Disable Errors in Plugins is a WordPress plugin that simply disables error reporting and error logging for all plugins. This plugin should be used mostly with development purposes. It does NOT encourage badly written code with errors, warnings or notices. Its main goal is to help plugin & theme.........

Similar: 29%

SVN Updater

Have you ever needed to upgrade a plugin to it's latest (unreleased) version? With SVN Updater you get a new action (Trunk) on the Plugins page. Development of this plugin is done on GitHub. Pull requests are welcome....

Similar: 25%


Inform your visitors unobtrusively to switch to a newer browser. Following browsers will be notified by default: IE:8&Older | Firefox:12&Older | Opera:11&Older |  Safari:5&Older | Chrome:auto | Source Code:Browser-Update.org. IE,FireFox,Safari notification levels can be modified. Not.........

Similar: 20%

Internet Explorer 6 Upgrade

This plugin detects if visitor is using the OLD Internet Explorer 6 (or even older) and displays a message to him to download a better browser, or at least upgrade to a new version of IE. This plugin supports the languages English Portuguese Brazil Turkish (thanks to Jackoon) Spanish (thanks to t.........

Similar: 20%

Easy Admin Notification

This plugin helps admins to easily create admin notification inside the WordPress administration. You can choose many options and decide how and where to display the notifications....

Similar: 17%

Special Box for Content

This plugin helps you to add a box left or right of your content that can stand out. You can add inside the shortcode images or text. Easy to use simply to edit!...

Similar: 16%

Advanced Browser Check

This plugin requires PHP 5.3 or above This plugin give you the option to give a visitor of your site a warning popup if they use a browser that you don't support. For example, Internet Explorer 9 or lover. It supports the 5 largest and most popular browser on the market. Firefox Chrome Safari Op.........

Similar: 9%

Browser Update Ribbon

Puts a ribbon on the website if the user browser is older than expected. Minimum browser versions are customizable in the Settings menu, along with the title and a custom link. Now you can set the position and the image of the ribbon. This plugin has full support for translation into other language.........

Similar: 8%