WP Engine GeoIP

WP Engine GeoIP integrates with the variables on your WP Engine site to display content catered to the visitor’s location. With the ability to access variables from as broad as country to as specific as latitude and longitude, your website can now display geographically relevant content.


A plugin that leverages maxmind's geolocation ability to display a google map of the the location of the author of a post when creating a post. Uses 3 methods to get the geo location of a author, one is to use the php extenstion, the second is to use maxmind's city web service and the third is to us.........

Similar: 50%

WP Engine Automated Migration

WP Engine Automated Migrations allows you to easily migrate your WordPress site to the WP Engine platform. All you need to do is provide the plugin your WP Engine SFTP credentials and let the tool do all the heavy lifting. For full instructions and solutions to common errors, please visit our WP En.........

Similar: 50%

Region Detect

Region detect is a plugin for WordPress that detects the country that the current visitor is browsing from. It can display the country to the user; something like: Hello visitor from Spain! or display a flag of the country. The plugin also makes the ISO 3166-1 country code and country name avaliabl.........

Similar: 40%

GeoIP Detection

Provides geographic information detected by an IP adress. This can be used in themes or other plugins, as a shortcode, or via CSS body classes. The city & country names are translated in different languages (supported languages)....

Similar: 29%

GeoReg Lite

GeoReg Lite captures the IP address, country name, and country code of new users who register on your site. It’s completely transparent and works behind the scenes without any setup or configuration. GeoReg Lite is built by the AppThemes team who also offers a full-blown GeoReg plugin in their popu.........

Similar: 25%

PHP Compatibility Checker

The WP Engine PHP Compatibility Checker can be used by any WordPress website on any web host to check PHP version compatibility. This plugin will lint theme and plugin code inside your WordPress file system and give you back a report of compatibility issues for you to fix. Compatibility issues are .........

Similar: 20%

PeepSo Location

LocSo is a plugin for PeepSo. It lets your users share their location in their status updates. With MsgSo they will also be able to send their location in private messages. The location appears as a link of the name of the place selected. When clicked, a modal window will open, displaying a scrolla.........

Similar: 16%

WP GeoLocation

This plugin uses the MaxMind GeoIP Javascript Web Service to return the Country, Region, City, Latitude, and Longitude for your web visitors for use in WordPress content via short codes. MaxMind's API is extremely fast, lightweight, and most of all, free. DISCLAIMER: The author of this plugin is in.........

Similar: 15%

Country IP Specific Redirections

Country IP Specific Redirections plugin allows you to automatically redirect your visitors based on their country and a set of rules which you can define into wordpress administration panel. The plugin automatically detects the country of your visitors and let's you drive away unwanted traffic. Not.........

Similar: 13%


Srvd is a simple tool that allows people show different content to each website visitor based on their location and browsing settings. Showing content tailored to each visitors settings means they get the most relevant experience. The more relevant you make your website for each visitor the more lik.........

Similar: 11%