Wp Game Of Life

By : vilmosioo

A game of life simulation using HTML5 canvas. For more information visit the Game of Life Wiki Page.

You can also check out the demo.

Image Annotator

If you've ever wanted to draw on an image or add a caption or text to your image then this is the plugin for you. Best of all it allows you to add your caption, save it, display it, then go back and edit it in different layers and objects laid on top of your image. It extracts the text from the ann.........

Similar: 50%


RGraph: HTML5 canvas graph library based on the HTML5 canvas tag. RGraph is a HTML5 canvas graph library. It uses the HTML5 canvas tag to produce a wide variety of graph types. RGraph is covered by the RGraph License. HTML5 canvas graphs are created in the users web browser, relieving your server .........

Similar: 40%

HTML5 Canvas for Internet Explorer (excanvas)

Modern browsers like Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Opera support the HTML5 canvas tag to allow 2D command-based drawing. ExplorerCanvas brings the same functionality to Internet Explorer. To use, web developers only need to include a single script tag in their existing web pages....

Similar: 34%


This allows user to add a widget that generates QrCode for every page dynamically. Whenever a visitor visits the site the widget will show qrcode for current page that the visitor is visiting. User can add the widget with and without title, define the size of the qrcode, fill color and background co.........

Similar: 29%


canvas-nest.js是github上一个很炫酷的开源项目,项目使用不到2kb的Javascript代码构造一个很炫酷的网页背景效果,项目地址为:https://github.com/aTool-org/canvas-nest.js 本wordpress插件是利用上述项目完成的另外一个开源项目(https://github.com/aTool-org/canvas-nest-for-wp),这个项目是一个wordpress插件,并.........

Similar: 29%


Knowners is a semantic visualization plugin, produced by FakePress and Art is Open Source. It is meant as a large-scale part of your wordpress interaface, where you can host a beautiful interactive graph that shows the semantic structure of your blog. Full HTML5 and Canvas support. Interaction. Kno.........

Similar: 20%

3D WP Tag Cloud-M

This is the Multiple Clouds variation of 3D WP Tag Cloud. It creates multiple instances widget that draws and animates a HTML5 canvas based tag clouds. Plugin may rotate Pages, Recent Posts, Blogroll (External Links), Menus, Blog Archives, List of Authors, Current Page/Post Links, Links from a cust.........

Similar: 19%


This plugin will added to your wordPress side a nice and easy pie chart.you can change pie chart total area width,single pie chart area width,total area background colour,pie chart circle text colour and also change text colour & other setting from "pie_chart" menu in dashboard. This plugin wil.........

Similar: 13%

WordPress Charts

Create amazing HTML5 charts easily in WordPress. A flexible and lightweight WordPress chart plugin including 6 customizable chart types (line, bar, pie, radar, polar area and doughnut types) as well as a fallback to provide support for older IE. Incorporates the fantastic chart.js script : http://w.........

Similar: 12%

Visualizer: Charts and Graphs

WordPress Visualizer plugin is a simple, easy to use and quite powerful tool to create, manage and embed interactive charts into your WordPress posts and pages. The plugin uses Google Visualization API to render charts, which support cross-browser compatibility (adopting VML for older IE versions) .........

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