
Provides a foundation and extensions for/to common WordPress developer functions or tasks, such as creating and installing plugins, making complex database queries, etc.

Kwik Framework

Kwik Framework is a framework for rapid development of WordPress themes and Plugins. It lets you quickly create option pages with dynamic error handling, programmatically generate markup where needed and provides custom inputs for your theme or plugin....

Similar: 34%

WP Code Igniter

Use this plugin to integrate the CodeIgniter framework into WordPress, making it available for both themes and other plugins. This plugin emulates a CI bootstrap, without any application environment (because WordPress does that), and includes a configuration file for setting database connection p.........

Similar: 23%


A WordPress plugin that integrates CodeIgniter Why a CodeIgniter/Wordpress integration plugin? I (along with many others) like CodeIgniter for it's features such as ActiveRecord and MVC disciplines, plus I have a ton of cool libs and stuff in CodeIgniter that I would like to use in the WordPress .........

Similar: 23%

WP Zend Library

Use this plugin to integrate the Zend Framework library into WordPress, making it available for both themes and other plugins. It does not include the ZendX extra library. This plugin emulates the Zend Framework bootstrap file, without any application environment (because WordPress does that), an.........

Similar: 20%

Titan Framework

Titan Framework allows theme and plugin developers to create a admin pages, options, meta boxes, and theme customizer options with just a few simple lines of code. This means faster theme & plugin creation for everyone. What is Titan Framework and how does it work?...

Similar: 14%

Options Definitely

Options Definitely is a framework for developers that allows them to easily add options and their input fields to the WordPress admin so that a user can manage them. You can add new menus and options pages, add fields to those pages and organize them in multiple tabs and settings sections. The plug.........

Similar: 10%

Thumbnail Crop Position

Select the crop position of your thumbnails. WordPress crops thumbnails of images through the center, which does not always give us the desired results. This plugin allows you to select the crop position of images from WordPress uploader....

Similar: 10%

WP jQuery CDN

Selectable options are currently: Google Ajax API jQuery CDN jQuery CDN Microsoft jQuery CDN Local jQuery (Inside this plugins js folder) Local jQuery (WordPress)(Might be out of date) None (Don't load any jQuery, Or i wish to load it Myself) ...

Similar: 10%

Admin Page Framework

One of the time-consuming part of developing WordPress plugins and themes is creating setting pages. As you more and more write plugins and themes, you'll soon realize major part of code can be reused. Admin Page Framework aims to provide reusable code that eliminates the necessity of writing repeat.........

Similar: 9%

Image in Widget

Add images in widget areas with lots of features. Responsive images with different styles and also link option for images. Demo Here...

Similar: 8%