WP Live Server Deploy

Automates the entire process for migrating your wordpress install from a test/development/source to the live/destination domain. Also allows the ignoring of certain files/directories not needed to upload (e.g /cache, /.git, /.svn /.gitignore etc etc).

Here’s a list of what is accomplished during an automated deployment:

  • If supported, archives the entire wordpress installation for compressed upload
  • Checks the file permissions
  • Uploads either the archive or each individual file
  • An uploaded archive is then extracted server side
  • Uploading each individual file is maximized by upload speed by asynchronously uploading up to 10 files
  • You can choose to ignore a list of folders or files for the upload - example cache folder or repository folders
  • Dumps/Exports your entire database and uploads it to the live server
  • Automatically switches old URL with the new URL
  • Automatically updates the wp-config.php accordingly
  • Flushes wordpress rewrite rules

If you are scared about the automated transfer and wish to do it manually, then just download the MySQL dump with the updated URL.

Disclaimer: Please backup any files or mysql tables on the live server. Although Live Server Deploy aims to provide a seamless deploy, we cannot guarantee that nothing unexpected can happen that might damage your content. Use at own risk.

Move to Subsite

Many older WP sites used categories and/or pages to organize what were essentially subsites without proper access control and other site-specific goodies like themes, widgets, and plugins. This plugin lets you move that content to another site on your WordPress network with a single click, with sea.........

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JSON Options

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