WP Log in Browser

I'm working on a nice admin screen to config auto-logging of some common things (like wp_query in pre_get_posts and wp), and some other goodies.

To log things manually, you can use:

browser()->log  ( $var, $label );
browser()->warn ( $var, $label );
browser()->info ( $var, $label );
browser()->error( $var, $label );

Also, commandas are chainable:

browser()->log( 'This is a log...' )->error( '...and this is an error' );

For example, to log all your main query's query_vars:

add_filter( 'pre_get_posts', 'log_wp_query', 10000 );

function log_wp_query( $query ) {
    if ( $query->is_main_query() )
        browser()->log( $query->query_vars, 'pre_get_posts' );

    return $query;

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