WP Notifications Center

/!\ Caution : This plugin is on beta test so it may generate errors. It's strongly recommended not tu use it in production. Due to this developpment state, several functions may change in a future beta update.

Add to your site a powerfull system to create any notification you need. You could override wordpress default ones or build yours in a few minuts. Add a smart design to your notification with resmonsive and personnalised emails.

--- Send notifications when you want ---

Posts (works fine with any custom post type) :

  • a post is pending review
  • a Post is published
  • a post is moved to trash
  • a post is moved to draft
  • a post is planned for publication

Comments :

  • a comment is published
  • a comment is awaiting moderation (overrides WP default email)
  • a comment get responded

System :

  • WordPress updgrade core to new version (overrides WP default email)
  • User ask for password recovering (overrides WP default email)
  • a new user is created

--- Send to who you want ---

You can define recipients for each notification :

  • selected users
  • All users in selected roles
  • specific email addresses

--- Build nice emails ---

Stop sending ulgy plaintext email and start building beautiful and responsive ones. Choose your logo, your colors and that's done, all your emails are now goodlooking !

Notify by Keywords

When a comment contains any of specified words in its content it will be sent to administrator with highlighted keywords, in despite of disabled global option about comments notifications. Keywords can be noted in the administrative panel Requirements PHP 5.2.0 or newer ...

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