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I am happy to announce that, effective December 15, 2014, Noah Cinquini and the team at Studio Fuel (studiofuel.com) have offered to take over maintenance, support, and development of WP-Paginate! A huge thanks to Noah and all of the people that have used WP-Paginate over the last 5 years!

WP-Paginate is a simple and flexible pagination plugin which provides users with better navigation on your WordPress site.

In addition to increasing the user experience for your visitors, it has also been widely reported that pagination increases the SEO of your site by providing more links to your content.

Starting in version 1.1, WP-Paginate can also be used to paginate post comments!

Translations: http://plugins.svn.wordpress.org/wp-paginate/I18n (check the version number for the correct file)

TW Pagination

TW Pagination is a simple and flexible pagination plugin which provides users with better navigation on your WordPress site. In addition to increasing the user experience for your visitors, it has also been widely reported that pagination increases the SEO of your site by providing more links to yo.........

Similar: 86%


DF-Pagination is a simple, flexible and cool pagination plugin which provides users with better navigation on your WordPress site. It has builtin 'rel=next' and 'rel=previous' markup. In addition to increasing the user experience for your visitors, it has also been widely reported that pagination i.........

Similar: 78%

BH Pagination

Simple pagination plugin, build with using bootstap css pagination code. this is very easy to use plugin ....

Similar: 75%


Author Site| Plugin Home Page Replaces the basic paging style with a simple paging navigation interface. WP-SEO-Paginate is a simple and flexible pagination plugin which provides users with better navigation on your WordPress site. In addition to increasing the user experience for your visitors, .........

Similar: 62%

Simple Pagination

Simple Pagination allows to set up an advanced pagination for posts and comments. You have an easier navigation on your WordPress. Simple Pagination has 6 stylesheets for the pagination : CSS 3, Flickr, Digg, Sabrus.us, Green and Grey Translation: English, French...

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Pagination by BestWebSoft

The Pagination plugin allows you to add a custom pagination block to your webpages. The block is added automatically on the following pages: blog, search, archive, category, tags, author. All you have to do is to choose the position of the pagination block and configure its appearance on the plugin .........

Similar: 28%


Inifinite scrolling plugin. Choose from Load on scroll, Load more button and Ajax Pagination. Visitor can disable auto load (useful to get to footer). Doesn't break browser Back/Forward buttons. Includes Scroll to Top button (Optional). Works out of the box for default WP themes. ** Translations **.........

Similar: 16%

Adjustly Nextpage

Developed internally for our Adjustly theme, this plugin allows authors to create multi-page posts and pages to the WordPress Visual and HTML toolbar. This is not a post-to-post navigation feature, this is specifically about adding page breaks to a single, very long page/post. We did not create any .........

Similar: 15%

PopUp Anyway

PopUp Anyway Add PopUp advertisement easily, it is not affected with any AdBlock! and compatible with all major browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox, IE, Opera, phone and tablet....

Similar: 13%

Random Banners

Random Banners Display random banners easily, random banners widget, banners before or after post content automatically, banners between post content, custom place, unlimited banners!....

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