Wp SEO Auto Generating Metatag Description

By : unknown

This Plugins that makes your site SEO boosting by making your defaut description change everytime you add new post on homepage only. This plugins usefull for those running news site or you are an up to date blogger. Many others SEO Plugins doesnt have this feature, they just make keep static description and makes google bored if you have an up to date blog.

Easy WP Meta Description

This plugin lets the user write a separate description for each post, page or custom post type post which is added as a meta description to the html head. The individual description for a post or page is typed and edited in a separate text field just below the text field for editing the post text. .........

Similar: 67%

Meta Keywords & Description

Get tags on every single post (is_single()) and put them in meta keywords tag in header (wp_head()). Otherwise it'll use the keywords define in $default_keywords. Get the_excerpt() and put it in meta description tag in header (wp_head()). Otherwise it'll use the description define in $default_descri.........

Similar: 67%

WP Remove Header Generator

As the name suggests this plugin will completely remove the mandatory 'Category Base' from your category permalinks ( e.g. <meta name="generator" content="WordPress 3.0.1" /> ). The plugin requires no setup or modifying core wordpress files and will not break any code. This plugins quite simp.........

Similar: 63%

wp_head() cleaner

WordPress adds all kinds of <meta>-tags to the <head> section of your site. Some of these tags are quite good and have real uses, others make sense for some sites and others doesn't. Some tags are even considered a security risk, since they tell the world which version of WordPress you'r.........

Similar: 58%

WP Original Source

Define up to 5 sources (URLs) in a metabox. Adds Source attribution metatag "original source" introduced by Google to single posts and page header. Adds your permalink to original source meta tag if external urls are not defined. Features Add meta tag: * "original-source" - Google meta tag for Goo.........

Similar: 46%

Generator Obfuscator

This plugin can be used to change the 'generator' meta tag on your WordPress pages to confuse hackers, script-kiddies, etc. You can choose from a number of common CMS-type products to be listed instead of WordPress, or you can remove the generator meta tag entirely. In addition, the generator me.........

Similar: 42%

Head Meta Data

Head Meta Data (formerly "Head Metadata Plus") improves the definition and semantic quality of your web pages by adding a complete set of <meta> tags to the <head> section of your web pages. Example <head> <meta name="abstract" content="Obsessive Web & Graphic Design..........

Similar: 40%

Wired Goons Header

Allows you to not only see what's been loaded in wp_head but allows you to remove it. Default options are set to remove what's most commonly removed for you. This avoids the need to hack core wordpress files or your theme/ plugin files, it also explains what options do when enabled. It lists every.........

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WelcomeUser! make it possible to add customizable welcome messages to you users based on their user roles. Inspired by sites such as eBay and Amazon, use this handy plugin for things such as: Providing a set of quick links for your users Displaying a friendly welcome message Creating a call-to-ac.........

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All Meta Tags

An easy to use WordPress plugin that gives you the ability to EASILY add your Meta Tags to the head section of your website. No need anymore to editing a files of your theme or plugins in order to add meta tags. You can add they on plugins settings page. Just add your ID (the meta key “content” val.........

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