WP Simple Rss Feed Reader

By : unknown

Plugin to view an rss feed on your page or post. As a shortcode or widget

Twitter Tags

Twitter Hashtags Syntax In the body of your post use the [twitter_hashtag] shortcode to create a hashtag link to the twitter site that will open in its own window. This is great for directing people to a trending topic on twitter....

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Subscribe Widget

Important: Before plugin install make sure that folders can be created by wordpress in your blog directory (root directory of the blog). Or you can create it yourself. Folders name should be: subscribe-widget; permissions: 0777. Subscribe-Widget is a free wordpress plugin, which was designed to be .........

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Webcomic provides a host of features for creating, managing, and sharing webcomics. Take control of your webcomic with multi-comic management, theme integration, dynamic navigation, and more. You can read all about Webcomic's extensive features in The Beginner's Guide to Webcomic....

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StagTools powers your WordPress website with some regularly needed shortcodes including buttons, columns, alerts, font icons etc. It also includes several widgets and custom post types (only for Codestag Themes). Shortcodes: Alerts Buttons ( optionally, with font icons ) Columns Divider / Horizon.........

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Show your social media posts: easy & beautiful!

TwineSocial provides the tools you need to grow and engage your social audience. Display any social media content on your WordPress site, and drive massive social engagement. This plugin makes it super easy to add your social media content (including #hashtags, @accounts, videos, photos, and tweets.........

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Jumplead Marketing Software

Having a great WordPress site optimised for SEO and Social is only the start of a complete inbound marketing process, you need to recognise and engage with your prospects over time, moving them through lifecycle stages with personalised marketing. Jumplead is designed to bring these capabilities to.........

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Starbox - the Author Box for Humans

How Do I Get Support For This Plugin? If you want more Social Icons and Premium Support, that also comes with High Priority, go to: http://starbox.squirrly.co/product/starbox-the-author-box-for-humans/ We added new features in the PRO version like: keep the user custom image in all the site Starbox.........

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Social Media Feather - lightweight social media sharing and follow buttons

WordPress Social Media Feather is a super lightweight free social media WordPress plugin that allows you to quickly and painlessly add social sharing and following features to all your posts, pages and custom post types. The plugin supports adding of social buttons for sharing or following (that is.........

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ShareSpring is a service that finds great user-generated content and embeds a beautiful gallery of the best posts onto your website. Search for posts on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and RSS. Pick which posts to embed on your website. Display your own posts from all of your social network.........

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Zedity Editor: The Best Way to Create Your Posts and Pages!

Would you like to make your WordPress experience much easier? Zedity enables you to create posts and pages as naturally as writing on paper! With absolutely no coding skills required, creating catchy and professional content becomes incredibly easy and quick for anyone! Zedity is available in .........

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