WP Simple Subscriber

WP Simple Subscriber simply collects data for an external Newsletter service of your choice. All data is exportable as a CSV file for use with mainstream services like Campaign Monitor, Dot Mailer etc. This plugin does not provide a way to send out newsletters.

WP Subscription

If you aren’t building an email list, you’re missing out on the most powerful and consistent way to drive repeat visitors and customers to your website or blog. With an email list, you become less and less dependent on external sources of traffic, and gain more ability to interact with your blog’s a.........

Similar: 45%

Welcome Mat

Welcome Mat email acquisition plugin is one of the most effective ways to build your site's audience that we have found. We use a Welcome Mat on a number of our affiliate sites and have not found anything as effective. Our Welcome Mat plugin runs completely on your site without connecting to outsi.........

Similar: 29%

WooCommerce Advanced Newsletter(WAN)

WooCommerce Advanced Newsletter(WAN) allows you to quickly and easily integrate your Mailchimp or MailerLite with WooCommerce It will subscribe customers to a your selected MailChimp or MailerLite list depends upon order creation or order completion....

Similar: 29%

MailChimp for Paypal Shopping Cart

MailChimp for Paypal Shopping Cart addon allows you to add subscribers to your MailChimp newsletter list after a customer purchase items from your site. Options are provided to use Double Opt-In confirmation, update existing subscribers, update or replace subscribers' interest groups, and automate .........

Similar: 22%

MailPoet Newsletters - Mandrill Spam and Bounce Cleaner

If you use the MandrillApp service to send your MailPoet (formerly Wysija) newsletter emails, then this is a great add-on for you. In order to keep your Mandrill reputation high (which affects your rate limit for sending) you must be sure that Mandrill bounces, spam complaints, and unsubscribes are .........

Similar: 13%

WP Easy Post Mailer

WP Easy Post Mailer allows you to automatically send out your latest blog posts as email newsletters to your subscribers without the use of any 3rd party email platform. Visitors to your website can enter their name and email address and be subscribed to receive updates of new posts from your blog. .........

Similar: 12%

Smart Email Alerts

Make your readers return - with Smart Email Alerts by Followistic. After installing the plugin your readers will find a nifty, fully customizable widget below your posts. It displays all the topics, the author and the categories of the respective post and allows your readers to select and subscribe.........

Similar: 11%

ChimpMate - WordPress MailChimp Assistant

ChimpMate is a MailChimp based email marketing plugin for WordPress. MailChimp is one of the most powerful email marketing tool with more than 7 million users. Beginners can start using the service with free* account. MailChimp also let the users to send mail to unlimited number of recipients. It is.........

Similar: 10%

Let there be guides!

Huula, create guides for your site! Complexity is one thing we all hate. New visitors gets confused by your site and they quickly drop. Customers gets confused by your site and they complain and churn. But we all understand that some complexities are inevitable. Sometimes it's because of your busin.........

Similar: 9%

Free Tools to grow your Email List, Social Sharing and Analytics

SumoMe provides free tools you need to grow your WordPress site. This plugin will make it easy for your readers to join your email list, share your articles and optimize with analytics. The free tools include: List Builder will let you create a fancy lightbox pop up to build email subscriptions .........

Similar: 9%