WP Slugify

By : unknown

Extends the default WP slug generate functionality and rewrite slug in to latin characters. Plugin is totally inspired by cocur/slugify and using their charsets.

Simple Posts Generator

A straight forward Posts Generator for Developers and Testers. Once active, a Posts Generator user will be created for later use. In the Tools page, you can set the Title, Content, Post Type and number of posts to be generated. Once you're done with the data, you may then delete the user since all .........

Similar: 34%

Alex image and link scraper

This plugin allows you to easily scrap images and links from other websites simply by entering the URL See http://anthony.strangebutfunny.net/my-plugins/image-and-link-scraper/ for help...

Similar: 29%

SEO Slugs

The SEO Slugs WordPress plugin removes common words like 'a', 'the', 'in' from post slugs to improve search engine optimization. For example, when you publish a post with a title like this: "What You Can Do Immediately For Higher Rankings", WordPress automatically assigns a long filename to your .........

Similar: 25%

OptimiSlug French

Optimize WordPress slug removing common words like "the, the, a, an, the" and others. It can also replace accented letters in unaccented letters, like "...

Similar: 19%

Wpp Easy Child Generator

wpp easy Child Generator is a sidebar widget that create child theme of your selected theme.Plugins supports the selection of theme and use . You can select you theme and create a child theme of that theme very easily so you can work with that child theme....

Similar: 16%

Lorem Ipsum Generator Shortcode

Using this plugin you can generate lorem ipsum dummy text using shortcodes in your posts and pages. This plugin is a wordpress version of http://loremipsum-generator.com/ tool....

Similar: 16%

Bulk Term Generator

If you have a lot of terms that you need to add to tags, categories, or custom taxonomies... don't waste time doing it by hand! Bulk Term Generator makes it easy to do it all at once. For example, let's say you have a custom taxonomy called Animal Types and you need to import every animal type know.........

Similar: 12%

Advanced WP Columns

Advanced WP Columns plugin provides you to set up your blog content in the multiple columns using simple user interface, without any short codes. Responsive layout is also supported. ...

Similar: 6%

WP Excerpt Generator

En français WP Excerpt Generator fonctionne en anglais et en français WP Excerpt Generator permet de générer facilement des extraits pour combler un éventuel manque ou pour gagner du temps tout simplement en les ajoutant dans la base de données du site. Bie.........

Similar: 5%


Features Plugin is available in English and in German the Button can be individualy created for every site or one button for the entire blog you can exclude sites which won't get a like button individual button position (before/after the content) add all available OpenGraph Meta-Tags including vid.........

Similar: 5%