WP XML Sitemap

WPSitemap.Xml is an XML file that lists the URLs for a site. It allows webmasters to include additional information about each URL: when it was last updated, how often it changes, and how important it is in relation to other URLs in the site. This allows search engines to crawl the site more intelligently.

Google XML Sitemap

Sitemaps are a way to tell Google about pages on your site we might not otherwise discover. In its simplest terms, a XML Sitemap-usually called Sitemap, with a capital S-is a list of the pages on your website. Creating and submitting a Sitemap helps make sure that Google knows about all the pages .........

Similar: 84%

Google Sitemap Image

With image search, just as with web search, Google's goal is to provide the best and most relevant search results to our users. Following Google's Webmaster Guidelines and best practices for publishing images can increase the likelihood that your images will be returned in those search results. In.........

Similar: 58%

Google Monthly XML Sitemap

Automatically generate sitemap divided by month to scale for large website and to reduce the load of each post generation excluding old posts and page from this operation. This plugin is a great improvement related to all other XML sitemap plugins cause it help you and your hosting company to reduce.........

Similar: 58%

Video XML Sitemap Generator

The Video XML Sitemap Generator plugin generates an XML file containing information about the videos embedded in your WP Pages and Posts as per Google XML Schema for Video Sitemaps. You can upload your videos to either Youtube, Vimeo or Dailymotion. The plugin will read all your pages and posts and .........

Similar: 37%

Better WordPress Google XML Sitemaps (with sitemapindex, multi-site and Google News sitemap support)

With BWP GXS you will no longer have to worry about the 50,000 URL limit or the time it takes for a sitemap to be generated. This plugin is fast, consumes much less resource and can be extended via your very own modules (yes, no hooks needed!). Here's a demo of the sitemapindex if you are interested.........

Similar: 32%


WP-Media-SiteMap generate a sitemap of all your media content : images, video, flash animation. It create a site map for each kind of file and a index sitemap to group them in one URL that the crawler are going to index. You also have in page in the option to see details about the files which are g.........

Similar: 30%

SW Video SiteMap

This plugin generates a video sitemap of posts in a given category. Use the settings to identify which categories, what custom fields contain your videos and what filename you would like to use....

Similar: 27%

Video SEO

Everyday, you’re making cool and engaging videos for your audience. But with all the content that’s out there, how can you make sure that your videos are discovered by users? The answer is by creating a video sitemap for your blog. Video SEO will automatically generate the video sitemap Google nee.........

Similar: 25%

Meta Changer

This is a plugin that allows you to change the meta description of any page you want on your site by simply specifying the page name. Compatible with Yoast SEO plugin....

Similar: 13%

SiteCondor SEO

The SiteCondor SEO plugin delivers weekly crawl reports that show you how search engines see your WordPress site, and prioritized recommendations highlighting errors and optimization opportunities. It's the perfect complement to WordPress SEO by Yoast or All-in-one SEO Pack. SiteCondor SEO includes.........

Similar: 8%