
WPCommentCleaner is a very simple tool which can batch process SPAM, un-apporved and approved comments. I have developed WPCommentCleaner for personal use. Just thought it may come handy to someone else, hence I submitted this plugin to wordpress.org plugin repository.

Extended Comment Options

WordPress allows you to close comments or pings on individual posts, but if you want to close comments and/or pings on more than 10 posts, you're in for a long ride! Extended Comment Options allows you to close comments or pings (or both) on all your posts at once, if you want. You can also choose b.........

Similar: 75%


WPDBTotalCleaner is a very simple tool which can dramatically reduce your WordPress database. This plugin is based on WPCommentCleaner, developed by WordPressLover.com....

Similar: 60%


Adds CAPTCHA anti-spam methods to WordPress on the comment form, registration form, or both. In order to post comments, users will have to range icons in right (upright) place. This can help prevent spam from automated bots (100%). This will also increase the quantity of comments because of funny ic.........

Similar: 50%

Antispam Collateral Condolences

This plugin notifies people when the comment they just left is moderated or marked as spam. The method of notification can be either a Javascript popup, or an HTML notification in the comment area. You can choose whether spam comments, moderated comments, or both will result in the notification. Thi.........

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Automatic Ban IP

Block IP addresses which are suspicious and try to post on your blog spam comments. This plugin need that you create an account on the Honey Pot Project (https://www.projecthoneypot.org, free api) or that you install the Spam Captcha plugin. In addition, if you want to geolocate the spammers your .........

Similar: 29%

Galland.be WP tools

Via this plug-in we share the WordPress tools developed by Galland.be....

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Pictcha is a protection in a form of an image retrieved from UTYP engine, which can be embedded inside web forms, and which will filter out spams. When someone uses UTYP Pictcha, the UTYP engine learns and gets more accurate. Click here to see Pictcha in action....

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Spam Destroyer

Stops automated spam while remaining as unobtrusive as possible to regular commenters. The Spam Destroyer plugin is intended to be effortless to use. Simply install, and enjoy a spam free website :)...

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Anti-Captcha (anti-spam botblocker)

Anti-Captcha is a transparent spam solution that does not require any end-user interaction. It is based on a nonce key, which is dynamically inserted using randomly generated (and obfuscated) javascript. The aim of this plugin is to prevent automated attacks (by bots) on the following WordPress act.........

Similar: 15%

Conva Comment System (Beta)

Conva’s mission is simple: connect others and help them better understand one another. Through Conva, more of your audience will interact on site than ever before. Many people are on your site at one time, and they should be communicating. Conva is designed for audiences to have quick, focused, a.........

Similar: 15%