Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (YARPP)

Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (YARPP) displays pages, posts, and custom post types related to the current entry, introducing your readers to other relevant content on your site.

Now you can mix and match YARPP Basic and YARPP Pro to get the best of both features, beneath articles or in the sidebar! Use the combination that works best for you.

YARPP Pro for Sponsored Content
  • Create a variety of native units, including Content Recommendation or In Feed display
  • Make money by displaying sponsored content, at the bottom of your posts, in the sidebar, or both.
  • Easily promote your product or service on thousands of blogs and websites.
  • Advertisers are now able to bid by CPC and/or CPM
  • Support for more granular advertiser targeting such as IAB category and geo-targeting by DMA

Learn more about the new YARPP Pro enhancements!

YARPP Basic for Standard Features
  • Thumbnail or list view of related content.
  • Related posts, pages, and custom post types.
  • Templating: The YARPP templating system gives you advanced control of how your results are displayed.
  • An advanced and versatile algorithm: Using a customizable algorithm considering post titles, content, tags, categories, and custom taxonomies, YARPP finds related content from across your site. Learn More.
  • Related posts in feeds: Display related posts in RSS feeds with custom display options.

This plugin requires PHP 5, MySQL 4.1, and WordPress 3.3 or greater. See the FAQ for answers to common questions.

Social Semantic Recommendation (SOSERE)

Social Semantic Recommendation (SOSERE) is a easy way to engage your readers and show them related content from your website. It displays a link list or thumbnails to related pages, posts and custom post types at the bottom of an entry. Improve your search engine listing and show readers what else .........

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