Top 10 Most Popular Php5 Wordpress Plugins | Jul 2024

Here are the top 10 most popular php5 wordpress plugins as derived from our WordPress Plugin Popular Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a wordpress plugin.

1. Mapping of image posts

Generate a mapping of image - article it belongs, by scanning all attachments....Popular Score : 209,000,000

2. Set Default Timezone

Experiencing notices about setting default timezone in PHP 5.1+. This plugin will prevent that notice....Popular Score : 148,000,000

3. YouTube Media

This plugin adds a "YouTube Media" tab to your video upload options. View and insert your youtube videos without leaving wordpress to find the ID's!...Popular Score : 87,100,000

4. Better Related Posts

Do you use custom post types and taxonomies? Do you want to list any related content, not just posts?...Popular Score : 56,000,000

5. Is Your Server Ready for WordPress 3.5

Is your site ready for WordPress 3.5? If your not sure your server meets the minimum requirements for 3.5 this plugin will let you know....Popular Score : 5,740,000

6. Zend SimpleCloud Interfaces

The Zend SimpleCloud Interfaces contains everything you need to start writing scalable, highly available, and resilient cloud application plugins....Popular Score : 5,460,000

7. SyntaxHighlighter Evolved PHP5

Adds support for the PHP5 language to the SyntaxHighlighter Evolved plugin using the [sourcecode language="php5"] tag and [php5] shortcode....Popular Score : 2,600,000

8. MarcTV XBOX 360Voice Blog

Displays the latest entries of your 360 voice gamerdna blog either as a widget for your sidebar or as a customizable function....Popular Score : 1,840,000

9. Zend AMF Interfaces

The Zend AMF interfaces contain everything you need for using Adobe's Action Message Format protocol in order to run Adobe Flex and Adobe AIR applicat...Popular Score : 971,000

10. Zend Gdata Interfaces

The Zend Gdata interfaces contain everything you need to access Google's Data APIs from your PHP 5 WordPress installation....Popular Score : 928,000